Dear All, Thank you for all of the welcome emails I have received since coming aboard as Bulb Ex Director. I am truly excited as I have benefitted from the exchange for years and feel this is an opportunity to give back to the Society. Please read below for instructions on how to order. Please do not hit reply and reply to the entire group. You will need to send your request to me at the BulbEx email address below. *This is a time-sensitive BX.* I am splitting the donations I have received into two BXs. A few donations need to go NOW as they are coming into growth. Therefore, this BX will be open for 48 hours. First come, first served as usual. We are extending the donation deadline: I will send out an additional availability list in two/three weeks' time. *I am open to receiving further donations in the next couple weeks if by chance your bulbs were/are not ready to be shipped to me.* The items listed below have been donated by our members to be shared. Kindly email me PRIVATELY at and include "BX 480" in the subject line. SPECIFY THE ITEM NUMBERS. DO NOT SPECIFY QUANTITIES. It is a good idea to include your snail mail address, too, in case we do not already have it. Availability is based on a first come, first served system. When you receive your seeds/bulbs you will find, included with them, a statement of how much money you owe (usually $2.00 – $5.00 per share of seeds or bulbs + postage and packaging charges), and instructions about how to pay. PAYMENT IS DUE AS SOON AS YOU RECEIVE YOUR PACKAGE. I should email you back in a few hours that I am in receipt of your order. *From John and Nona Barnes* 1. Zephyranthes drummondii *From Arnold Trachtenberg* 2. Galanthus elwesii - two different varieties, garden grown, and in the green. *From Steven Whyman* 3. Arisaema fargesii - Steven Whyman *From Rimmer de Vries* 4. Sinningia macrostachys (rooted cuttings) 5. Sinningia tubliflora (PDN 2016 - very vigorous) 6. Gloxinia erinoides (BX 454, 2018, Dennis Kramb) 7. Chrysothemis friedrichsthalianum (only one available) Thank you so much! Bridget Wosczyna PBS Bulb Director _______________________________________________ pbs mailing list… Unsubscribe: <> PBS Forum https://…