late summer bulbs

Kathleen Sayce
Sun, 21 Aug 2016 14:09:34 PDT
Flowering shoots have appeared on all the seedling Amaryllis belladonna bulbs, which I obtained as seeds from PBS BX some years ago. The first to flower was dark pink; this is much darker than my legacy bulbs from my parents’ yard. If memory serves, there will be white and white and pink striped flowers on the other two groups of new young bulbs. Acis autumnalis is flowering, also Colchicum agrippinum, buds on C. autumnale. 

In the cold frame, the Zephyranthes/Habranthus collection continues to pop out flowers every few weeks if I remember to soak the pots. Lycoris angustifolium is also flowering now. Putting a foot high ring of heavy mesh between the in-ground section and the tops has done wonders for keeping chipmunks out of the cold frame. But alas, they have found and eaten almost all the crocus in the garden. 


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