When I made the crosses, I was hoping to see some offspring with intermediate characteristics, like a smaller white zone. Instead, as mentioned, the 'leichtlinii' coloration seems to be dominant. Some of the corms I sent to the BX might be unbloomed, so watch for something out of the ordinary. Regarding culture, I've been following Rodger Whitlock's recommendation of granite grit (not pumice) with a little organic matter. I've been using screened peat/coir potting soil for the organics. They are in 4" plastic pots, and don't get watered until the beginning of December, or when the shoots are visible. The biggest problem I've had with them recently is going dormant too early due to high temperatures in the greenhouse starting in March. This year I sent them out to the unheated coldframe in March, and they happily kept growing through June. Once they go dormant, they dry out in the garage for the rest of the summer. Hence the extra corms for the BX. --Roy NW of Boston >