Seed Exchange 14-Trillium seed

Jan Jeddeloh via pbs
Thu, 27 Jul 2023 21:51:46 PDT
Got it. #5 in line.  You are a paid up member.

> On Jul 27, 2023, at 9:14 PM, Ellen Watrous via pbs <> wrote:
> Hi Jan,
> I'd love packets of your three west coast offerings, T. albidum, T.
> kurabayashii, and T. hybrid backcross.  Sure hope to heck I've maintained
> my PBS membership, as it's been a few years since I've ordered seed.
> Thanks!
> Ellen Watrous
> 3334 NW Covey Run
> Corvallis, OR. 97330
> On Thu, Jul 27, 2023, 6:20 PM Jan Jeddeloh via pbs <
>> wrote:
>> This seed exchange is first come, first served.  It closes July 30 at 5 pm
>> Pacific Daylight Time.
>> This is a special pop-up mini seed exchange for trillium seeds and a
>> couple of other species.  Unlike the regular seed exchanges this one will
>> be first come, first served.  Orders will be numbered in the order they
>> come in so don’t dilly-dally.  All these seeds, except the Arisaema flavum,
>> will need to be sown immediately.  DO NOT ALLOW THEM TO DRY OUT. They will
>> all be shipped moist in plastic bags.
>> As with other seed exchanges the top of your order must have your postal
>> address with your email below (in case I have questions later).  If I have
>> to chase you down for this information your order automatically goes to the
>> bottom of the stack.
>> Seeds will be $2 per packet with a minimum of 5 seeds per packet.  Order
>> by the name in bold.  In most cases there will be at least 10 seeds but if
>> there is high demand you may only get 5 seeds per packet.  Shipping will be
>> $4 domestic, international shipping at cost. Send your orders to
>> Donated by Charles Hunter
>> Here is some information from Charles regarding the hardiness of southern
>> trillium:
>> “Hardiness is mostly related to late freezes for plants that are very
>> early. Trillums do have antifreeze, but a few from north FL ( decipiens and
>> north FL lancifolium) are so early that folks in northern states and Canada
>> will find that they will emerge and bloom before hard freezes. Since they
>> all grow fine outside for me in my 7b north Georgia garden, I do not have a
>> reason to know how far north they can be grown outside. But Fred Case
>> (author of the book " Trillums") stated in his book that decipiens and
>> early underwoodii were not good outdoors in his Michigan garden due to
>> repeated hard freezes after they emerge. Note that the Alabama piedmont
>> underwoodii seeds I sent you are later to emerge and bloom and might do Ok
>> in most northern gardens. The underwoodii found in north Florida and
>> adjacent SW Georgia is VERY early, but I did not get seeds from those this
>> year.”
>> Trillium cuneatum
>> Trillium decipiens.  Very early, should be a pot plant in colder climates.
>> Trillium flexipes.  Southern form NE Alabama.  Heat tolerant.
>> Trillium foetidissimum. Native to eastern Louisiana and southwest
>> Mississippi.
>> Trillium lancifolium.  Very early north Florida form.  Should be a pot
>> plant in colder climates.
>> Trillium oostingii. South Carolina.  Mostly yellow-green flowers with a
>> few dark purple. Rare form
>> Trillium pusillum
>> Trillium underwoodii. Later Alabama Piedmost form.  Better for colder
>> climates.
>> I have fairly low quantities of these southeastern trilliums so early bird
>> gets the worm.
>> Donated by me, Jan Jeddeloh.
>> Trillium albidum.  Hand pollinated. Pod parent is a particularly nice form.
>> Trillium kurabayashii
>> Trillium (kurabayashii x albidum) X albidum.  The pod parent is a mid-pink
>> with nice wide petals. It is a cross I made some years ago.  I made this
>> cross to try to get a pale pink.  I’ve planted a fair bit of the seed
>> myself.
>> I have fairly large quantities of these trilliums.  Let me know about how
>> many seeds you would like but if you’re really greedy, and I have the seed,
>> I may charge you an extra $2 for a generous packet.
>> Fellow shade travelers.
>> Amorphophallus kiusianus
>> Arisaema flavum This is left over from SX13 but it’s a nice shade plant
>> that deserves some love.
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