Idk...have to take this kind of popular "science" reporting with a grain of salt. I mean if the guy's really a gardner he should have been able to spot that it's not a potato. Where are the eyes? And a tuberous cucurbit in the UK is nothing odd - my knowledge of European plants is PATHETIC, but I still know about white bryony, and I'll bet it's not the only tuberous cuke native to the area. As to whether cold-hardy cukes could be created through hybridization, sure, probably. But it would be a fairly major undertaking. You'd be starting from the ground up (groan. Look, you want Steve Hammer-level jokes? Go get Steve Hammer). I would think Mexico would be a good starting point, finding something close enough to mouse melon to begin breeding. There's ulluco, too, but it's no hardier than a potato. It'd be interesting to try. And probably an interesting way to introduce some new viruses to cultivation... - Dave On Sun, Mar 20, 2022, 9:12 AM Carl Frederick via pbs <> wrote: > > > As a gardener wouldn’t you think he would try to grow it as opposed to > freeze it? Also, does this mean we can make more temperate mega-tubers by > hybridization (which is not really hybridization as such since we’re > talking about a single species I assume)? > > Sent from my iPhone > _______________________________________________ > pbs mailing list > >… > Unsubscribe: <> > _______________________________________________ pbs mailing list… Unsubscribe: <>