Spring in East Tennessee

Steve Marak via pbs pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net
Sun, 13 Mar 2022 17:04:24 PDT

Your Saturday was our Friday here in NW Arkansas. After 70 F earlier in 
the week, we had 5" of snow Friday and a low of 15 that night. By 
Saturday evening it was all gone and it's been around 60 all day today.

The daffodils looked droopy but recovered quickly, as always. The 
spring-growing Lycoris have some singed leaf tips but will be fine. The 
Dracunculus vulgaris foliage, 8-10" high already, was unaffected. I knew 
it would take into the low 20s, but that surprises me. Even some of the 
wily Arkansas native plants have been fooled by the weather this winter, 
which seems to be trying to raise the bar on our already high standard 
for crazy.

I found a couple of things hiding in the greenhouse, two pictures 
attached. Lachenalia aloides v. vanzyliae, from Mary Sue in BX 151 back 
in 2008. Not a good flowering, it's gotten shaded and needs to be moved. 
Also, a pot labeled Ledebouria atrobrunnea, which got separated from the 
Ledebouria herd and I'd forgotten I had, has a bunch of inflorescences 
coming along. Foliage doesn't really look right, but they came from 
Charles Craib at Penroc, and he appears to have known that species well, 
so ...


On 3/12/2022 8:52 PM, Robert Lauf via pbs wrote:
> Temperatures have been in the upper 60s, excellent for dividing Sarracenias, getting potted lilies dug out from piles of straw, and watching the daffodils and other spring bulbs start to bloom.
> This morning we woke up to 5" of snow and they are predicting a possible low tonight of 10 degrees.  I'm not making this up.  The snow on the ground will provide a bit of protection, but the daffs will be history along with the flowering quince and everyone's fruit trees.  The spring peepers evidently got the memo and have temporarily fallen silent.
> Bob    Oak Ridge, TN
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