Blooming around the house and my pH tap water testing

Mike via pbs
Wed, 16 Mar 2022 20:21:44 PDT
Thought I would send in some photo's of what has bloomed the past few weeks
in San Diego for me.
Ipheion Uniflorum  that I received last year in one of the BX offerings
Velthemia Bractiata  These are almost 10 years old, one of my first SA
bulbs I ever obtained along with  Haemanthus Albiflo, ( not pictured) These
Veltheimia are from Telos, have to send a Thanks  to Diana for all those
years ago encouraging me to try these, when I asked " So what else is easy
like Haemanthus?"  I also have a Bomarea Edulis I got around the same time
from Telos. Sturdy, vigorous but not invasive and hummingbirds prefer 2 to
1 over other flowering vines  :)
 Many members of PBS,  whether a full time occupation or a serious hobby
business,  supply us with high quality plants from far off places.  Its not
easy to import or know the plants you are buying were not likely wild
collected .  Great to have reliable sources for many geophyte's that don't
take three months, a lucky rabbits  and the anxiety they got intercepted
for any number of reasons along the way, let alone the shipping
costs...sometimes importing is the only way...or an SX/BX  :)
Photos are in order from top to bottom,

Hope you enjoy,

San Diego...
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