Mary Gorton via pbs pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net
Wed, 16 Mar 2022 11:25:35 PDT
These are lovely seeds.  Very reliable sprouters.   If this doesn't post, contact me and I will send directly
Mary Gorton

-----Original Message-----
From: KZN Clivia Breeders <kzncliviabreeders@cliviasa.co.za>
To: Maylene Turner <maylene.t@wbs.co.za>; Maziliauskai <vygrama@mail.tele2.lt>; meganweier <meganweier@bigpond.com>; Merrimetsi Engineers <maraisde@connix.co.za>; mgorton01@verizon.net; Michael <herrovaxter@gmail.com>; michael barrett <barrettmichael1969@gmail.com>; Michael Chelednik <surfacenoise@gmail.com>; Michael Holt <mdpr@mdpr.co.za>; Michael Humphreys <statesideroofing@hotmail.com>; Michael Kennedy <strain121@telkomsa.net>
Sent: Tue, Mar 15, 2022 11:20 am

  From: KZN Clivia Breeders Sent: Tuesday, March 15, 2022 5:07 PMTo: SEAN CHUBB Subject: KZN CLIVIA BREEDERS KZN CLIVIA BREEDERS 2022www.cliviasa.co.za kzncliviabreeders@cliviasa.co.za Dear Clivia Enthusiast  The KZN Clivia Breeders are proud to present our 2022 seed list.  We would like to take the opportunity to thank our come back customers for your constant support and to welcome any new customers. We have a good variety of seed this year. Lots of NEW GENETICS and MODERN COLOURS. INSPIRED BY DIVERSITY. THERE ARE ALSO SOME NEW RELEASE COLOURS.  On the EXCEL seed list, these are highlighted as NEW.  KZN CLIVIA BREEDERS has two current suppliers namely:  Sean Chubb and Val Thurston. Both these breeders have been growing and breeding clivia for over 40 years.  Sean and Val have been supplying seed for sale with KZN CLIVIA BREEDERS since its inception 20 years ago. We pride ourselves in producing seed of the highest quality and true to type. Lots to select from and many exciting crosses and Modern colours. We hope there is something for everyone on this list, some very Rare crosses and some old favourites, but all Beautiful.  Our Selection of Clivia seed for sale can be found on our website. http://www.cliviasa.co.za/ On entering the site, click on KZN CLIVIA BREEDERS, the DROP DOWN MENU will show either Sean Chubb or Val Thurston lists.  Click on the variety of choices. Here you will find the crosses made within the variety. The pod parent is always stated first followed by the pollen parent. If you click on the picture it will enlarge. You can also download the EXCEL seed list. This is either printable or you can save it.  Make your choice and send an email to Sean Chubb. Our e-mail address is: kzncliviabreeders@cliviasa.co.za. I may take a few days to reply but, if you have not heard within a week, please re email me. PLEASE NOTE OUR BANKING DETAILS HAVE CHANGED AND WE NOW HAVE A FIRST NATIONAL BANK ACCOUNT. These details will be on your Invoice.  WE ALSO HAVE A PAYPAL ACCOUNT. kzncliviabreeders@cliviasa.co.za  We look forward to hearing from you. Assuring you of our best attention at all times.  Kind regards Sean & Val KZN CLIVIA BREEDERS KZN CLIVIA BREEDERS 2022 CONDITIONS FOR SEED SALES.  We would like to take the opportunity to thank you for your constant support. We have a good variety of seed this year. Lots of NEW GENETICS and MODERN COLOURS. INSPIRED BY DIVERSITY. Please note we now have a dedicated e-mail address for the KZN CLIVIA BREEDERS.  Please send all orders to kzncliviabreeders@cliviasa.co.za  THE 2022 SEEDLIST, AS WELL AS PICTURES OF THE PARENT PLANTS, CAN BE FOUND ON OUR WEB-SITE http://www.cliviasa.co.za/  Sale of Seed is subject to the following conditions:  1. Seed will be allocated and sold on a first come first serve basis. If possible please give a second choice. You are welcome to add to your order at any time.  2. Payment must be made by Direct Deposit or PAYPAL. The costs incurred by deposits from foreign countries will be borne by the Purchaser. It is always difficult with changing exchange rates to send the exact amount. I will endeavour to check each deposit in Rands and advise the customer of the amount received. It is always better to send a little extra, just in case. If we do, in fact, receive more than the invoice, we will be sure to add a few choice seeds to your order!  At least 50% of amount due MUST be paid within 30 days of ordering to secure your order. Full payment MUST be received by the end of June 2022 and seeds will be despatched towards the end of July 2022.  3. If there is a shortfall in the payment received, seed equivalent in value to the shortfall will be deducted. So please ensure that the end funds, we receive in our account, are exactly the same as the amount owed as indicated on the Invoice.  4. OUR PAYPAY DETAILS ARE AS FOLLOWS. USE THE ADDRESS kzncliviabreeders@cliviasa.co.za.  PLEASE NOTE WE HAVE NEW BANK DETAILS AS OFF IMMEDIATELY.  WE HAVE MOVED FROM OUR ABSA ACCOUNT TO A FIRST NATIONAL BANK ACCOUNT. THE DETAILS ARE :- KZN CLIVIA BREEDERS. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. ACCOUNT NUMBER - 62296609567 HAYFIELDS BRANCH CODE - 221425 SWIFT CODE - FIRNZAJJ ADDRESS - SHOP 47-50 28 BLACKBURROW ROAD HAYFIELDS,PIETERMARITZBURG 3201 SOUTH AFRICA We look forward to hearing from you. Assuring you of our best attention at all times. Kind regardsSean & Val - KZN CLIVIA BREEDERS
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