Buried Amaryllis and Urginea

guy l'eplattenier guylep@hotmail.com
Sun, 02 Sep 2018 08:50:42 PDT
Dear Shawn,

300 bulbs of Urginea maritima are blooming now around my olive farm in southern Catalonia (Spain) in a very dry Mediterranean climate. They were already here when I bought the old farm, probably for a very long time, they have naturalised on and on, and they still do so.
Most of them have the neck at ground level, some are a bit out and some a bit deeper in the dry leaves. They all bloom well, maybe better if they have a long and dry summer rest and a bake.
Maybe if they are too deep, they do not get enough heat to bloom?
Amaryllis belladonna, only one blooming now, maybe mine are also too deep or too dry in winter?
Hope it may help you
Guy L’Eplattenier/ el Perelló/ zone 9

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De : 1467173040e la part de
Envoyé : dimanche, septembre 2, 2018 4:54 PM
À : Pacific Bulb Society
Cc : Shawn Pollard
Objet : [pbs] Buried Amaryllis and Urginea

Dear all:

Has anyone ever observed Amaryllis belladonna and Urginea maritima flowering when the bulbs are completely buried?

When we purchased our home here in Yuma in 2011, I planted Urginea in the front yard and Amaryllis in shadier spots in the back yard. At that time, they were planted with the upper one-quarter to one-third of the bulb exposed. Since then, repeated sandstorms have buried the bulbs and I have basically adjusted my gardening to the increased elevation. The bulbs leaf out every winter, but don't bloom; they do bloom elsewhere in southern Arizona.

Is there any hope, or is it time to excavate around them?

Shawn Pollard
Yuma, AZ
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