Fwd: PBS website contact:Lycoris

Nathan Lange plantsman@comcast.net
Fri, 14 Sep 2018 13:04:17 PDT

Hi  Tony,

Thank you for the excellent information. Besides watering issues, the 
primary problem with growing the spring-emerging species at lower 
elevations in Northern California is the lack of cold vernalizing 
winter temperatures. For example, with our minimum low temps only in 
the mid 20's F, in order to achieve flowering, I grow L. x squamigera 
in exposed pots that  aren't exposed to winter sunlight. How do you 
rate the spring-emerging species with regard to their need for 
vernalization relative to L. x squamigera? L. chinensis and L. 
sprengeri probably need less cooling?

Best regards,

At 01:47 PM 9/12/2018, you wrote:
>Hi Jane;
>Hopefully this will help.
>Based on the extensive body of DNA research, and confirmed in our 
>field trials, there are only 7 lycoris species, with 1 still tbd...a 
>far cry from the 13-20 often cited.
>Two of the lycoris species have foliage that emerges in fall, and 
>five have foliage that emerges in late winter/early spring.  Because 
>all lycoris are winter-growing, the foliage emergence times 
>determines their ability to withstand winter cold.  Areas with 
>extremely cold temperatures in early fall that remains so all winter 
>may actually delay foliage emergence, making the plant more winter 
>hardy than in conditions with fluctuating winter temperatures.
>Those species with fall-emerging leaves are generally winter-hardy 
>to Zone 7....some clones slightly more, some slightly less.
>Fall foliage (zone 7)
>Lycoris aurea
>Lycoris radiata
>Those species with spring-emerging leaves are generally winter-hardy 
>to Zone 5, possibly colder
>Spring Foliage (Zone 5)
>Lycoris chinensis
>Lycoris longituba
>Lycoris sanguinea
>Lycoris shaanxiensis (virtually everything in commerce is x 
>straminea) with fall foliage
>Lycoris sprengeri
>Lycoris guangxiensis
>All other lycoris are hybrids. Hybrids of two spring-leaf species 
>retains the Zone 5 hardiness, but crosses of a spring-leaf and a 
>fall-leaf species, always produces offspring with fall foliage, so 
>the hardiness of these always reverts to Zone 7.  In theory, crosses 
>with two spring species and one fall species could delay leaf 
>emergence enough to increase winter hardiness.
>Lycoris Hybrids
>Many of these names are long established, most originally published 
>as species, which DNA has shown to be hybrids.  Other names are 
>unpublished and only used by us as working names for the hybrids we grow.
>Fall x Fall (Zone 7)
>Two species hybrids
>x albiflora (syn: L. elsiae) - aurea (fall) x radiata (fall)
>Spring x Spring (Zone 5)
>Two species hybrids
>x caldwellii - chinensis (spring) x longituba (spring)
>x chejuensis - chinensis (spring) x sanguinea (spring)
>x flavescens - chinensis (spring) x sanguinea (spring)
>x incarnata (same as x squamigera)
>x sprenguinea (unpublished) - sprengeri (spring) x sanguinea (spring)
>x sprengensis (unpublished) - sprengeri (spring) x chinensis (spring)
>x squamigera (same as elegans, incarnata) - - longituba (spring) x 
>sprengeri (spring)
>Fall x Spring (Zone 7)
>Two species hybrids
>x chinaurea (unpublished)- aurea (fall) x chinensis (spring)
>x cinnabarina - aurea (fall) x sanguinea (spring)
>x rosea (same as jacksoniana) - radiata (fall) x sprengeri (spring)
>x sprengurea - aurea (fall x sprengeri (spring)
>x straminea (syn: houdyshelii) - radiata (fall) x chinensis (spring)
>x rubroaurantiaca - undetermined by DNA
>Three species hybrids (2 spring x 1 fall)
>x longitosea (unpublished) - longituba (spring) x sprengeri (spring) 
>x radiata (fall)
>x roseguinea (unpublished) - radiata (fall) x sprengeri (spring) x 
>sanguinea (spring)
>x rosensis (unpublished) - radiata (fall) x sprengeri (spring) x 
>chinensis (spring)
>Three species hybrids (2 fall x 1 spring)
>x radichinaurea (unpublished) - radiata (fall) x aurea (fall) x 
>chinensis (spring)
>x rosaurea (unpublished) - radiata (fall) x aurea (fall) x sprengeri (spring)
>Tony Avent
>Juniper Level Botanic 
>Garden<http://www.juniperlevelbotanicgarden.org/> and Plant Delights 
>Ph 919.772.4794/fx 919.772.4752
>9241 Sauls Road, Raleigh, North Carolina  27603  USA
>USDA Zone 7b/Winter 0-5 F/Summer 95-105F
>"Preserving, Studying, Propagating, and Sharing the World's Flora"
>Since 1988, Plant Delights Nursery is THE Source for unique, rare 
>and native perennial plants.
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>From: pbs <pbs-bounces@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net> On Behalf Of Jane McGary
>Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2018 12:31 PM
>To: Pacific Bulb Society <pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net>
>Subject: [pbs] Fwd: PBS website contact:///Lycoris/
>The following question came via the website. Could some of you who grow
>Lycoris species (particularly Jim Waddick, whose archived comments led
>to the question) comment on hardiness of various Lycoris species? Not
>something I could answer -- this genus does badly in the far west.
>Jane McGary
>-------- Forwarded Message --------
>Subject: PBS website contact:///Lycoris/
>Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2018 22:55:11 +0100 (BST)
>From: Apache <apache@http://www.ibiblio.org/><mailto:apache@www.ibiblio.org%3e>
>Reply-To: Charles Heuser <cwh2@psu.edu><mailto:cwh2@psu.edu%3e>
>To: janemcgary@earthlink.net<mailto:janemcgary@earthlink.net>
>This is a message from the PBS website for janemcgary.
>I was reading about Lycoris and the article by James W. Waddick on 
>Lycoris and had a question on the hardiness zones for the various 
>species. His hardiness zones of many of the species listed in his 
>article are lower than those listed for the species by other 
>authors. Can you explain the difference? I would like to grow more 
>of the species here in central PA which is in zone 6.
>Thanks for the help.
>Charles Heuser, PhD

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