Summer flowering Alliums and more

Hansen Nursery
Sat, 29 Sep 2018 13:17:51 PDT
Jane says it's worth it to get a USDA permit and it's so streamlined now
that's it's worth the few minutes of your time online.  There are just so
many incredible seeds available that we will never otherwise see in commerce
because nurseries cater almost always to the common, easy-to-grow species.
There are a few (and dwindling) such as Oliver Nurseries in Connecticut or
Brent and Becky's (and a few others) that carry the unusual or hard to find.
For those of us who are picky, it can be so difficult to find plants, but
much easier to find seed.

Just remember when filling in the blanks to specify the designated port of
entry; this is very important as some are much more efficient most of the
time (notice my caveat) than others.  I use Seattle (I'm on the West Coast)
and have been very satisfied.  It's important to put your cell number on all
your order forms so that an agent can call you.  Not all ports of entry will
do this but Seattle has called me two or three times and in each case I'm so
glad they checked with me.

On the permit application under Articles, put "Small Lots of Seed Program,
Eligible Taxa".  Under countries of origin, put (for example) "United
Kingdom (Republic of South Africa, etc.), and "various approved countries".
Under plant parts, most people put "seed", but put whatever you're wanting
such as bulbs.  Under Intended Use, put "Small Lots of Seeds for

William A. can correct if I'm leading you astray, but I've not had any
problems applying for a permit.

If you are interested in seeing a list of known bulb nurseries with which
you've had experience in the Bulb Garden, please contact me privately at and I will be happy to compile a list.  I know a
number of you are nurserymen who specialize in bulbs and from time to time
you mention when your lists are available, Telos Rare Bulbs being one, so
please contact me PRIVATELY.
Hansen Nursery

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