What's blooming today (or about to...)

Michael Kent kenttoto@gmail.com
Tue, 04 Sep 2018 11:22:17 PDT
I hope everyone had an enjoyable Labor Day weekend (if you're in the US).

I had my first flowering of Cyrtanthus sanguineus today (1st picture). Two
flowers on the stem (second flower hasn't opened yet - it is partially
visible as a small bump between the top left petal and the center petal).
And it is starting to send up a second stem. (And for those wondering, the
shrub blooming behind it is a Cestrum nocturnum - 2nd major blooming this
year; Littletunia Blue Vein Petunia to the right side.)

Also have another bloom on the yellow-flowered Zephyranthes minima hybrid
(2nd picture). I included a 3rd picture for a size perspective. I got the
bulbs from BX425 (Fred Thorne) last year. Any idea what the minima may have
hybridized with, Fred? The leaves are about two to 3 inches longer than the
minima, flowers are the same height (there is a minima bloom that was open
yesterday partially hidden by my fingertips (even with the yellow bloom)).
I got seed from the last bloom, I will send it, and any from this bloom in
to the BX soon.

I was surprised to see that my Canna flaccida is preparing to bloom (4th
picture). I grew that from seed this year (SX9 (Dennis Kramb)). It also has
sent out a large crop of offsets (5th picture). I guess it liked the
(overly) warm and humid weather this summer. I'll send another photo once
the blooms open.

Mike in Z6 Finger Lakes area, where the weatherpeople are unfortunately
expecting the hot and humid weather to continue until at least Halloween.
Weatherpeople sounds odd, what would be a better gender-neutral term?
Weather forecasters?
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