Chamaelirium luteum

aaron floden via pbs
Mon, 16 Jun 2014 13:04:42 PDT
Chamaelirium is easy to grow from fresh seed and matures in about 3 years. It rarely offsets so rhizomes are hard to divide. I assume, but have never tried, that cutting the terminal end off will induce growth of secondary buds along the rhizome. 

I would hardly say that it is rare. Like with other plants, "uncommon, but locally abundant" would describe it better. I see it in mesic to dry oak woods, on shaded roadsides, creek banks, and even relatively acidic dry woodland so it is habitat nonspecific. That said, it can be picky in the garden at times and only flowers every other year or so -- none of mine are flowering this year and all flowered last year.

 E Tennessee

On Monday, June 16, 2014 1:55 PM, T O <> wrote:


I was wondering if anyone has had any experience growing Chamaelirium luteum, from seed or otherwise. It is not included on the wiki, for some reason, although it grows from a rhizome.

It is an EAm native, though reportedly rare. Horizon Herbs (Williams, OR) offers seed of this and I'd like to give it a try.


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