Fwd: Scilla peruviana

Jane McGary janemcgary@earthlink.net
Wed, 18 Jun 2014 09:55:33 PDT
Alberto wrote
Too much summer water is a problem, otherwise it is a plant from 
moist WINTER pastures in the wild.

In Spain I saw Scilla peruviana flowering in roadside ditches where 
it would have had a lot of winter water. Here in Oregon it does very 
well in a similar setting where it has good drainage in summer. 
Plants with less drainage, however, died during severe cold snaps 
last winter. I never paid any attention to how I divided it, so I 
can't advice on how to do so; it seems unkillable as long as it isn't 
frozen while saturated. I think it may be invasive in California.

Jane McGary
Portland, Oregon, USA

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