EX09b EU fall exchange second round: packages are out

Started by Martin Bohnet, October 10, 2024, 11:34:33 AM

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Martin Bohnet

Dear Members living in the EU!

The second and final round of this year's EU fall exchange (EX09b) is now open for orders. The time window for ordering will close on October 13th at 24:00 Central European Time.
Every fully paid member of the PBS with a postal address in the EU can order from the seeds and bulbs on offer. You do not need to be a donor to be entitled to order. There is no limit of how many positions from the list you can request, but you are only allocated one portion of each item - exceptions to that rule are listed in a special list below. Please refrain from ordering "one of each" of the offerings. You can still join the PBS if you are tempted..

Please send your request by e-mail directly to Martin Bohnet, who is the director of the EU Bulb and Seed Exchange. Please do NOT send your request to the forum or the email list, these requests cannot be served. Please make sure you do not use the reply button when sending your request.

Martin's e-mail: garak@code-garak.de
Orders will be accepted during the three day time window after the list went online, closure will be announced in the forum. Distribution will then be at random so that everybody has the same chance to get the rare items in short supply.

Each portion of seed will be charged 2 US $, each portion of bulbs will be 3 US $. For very big/heavy/rare bulbs this may be doubled. Postage will be added at cost, converted into US $. Leftovers from the last two exchanges are also offered at a reduced price of 1 $ per package. As we had trouble with postal services before, we now offer to add tracking, which will add 3$ to the postage cost. Just ask for it in your ordering mail.

Payment for items from the EU-BX can only be made by PayPal in US Dollars to the PayPal account of the Pacific Bulb Society. Please make sure that the PBS receives the amount due in US Dollars. Please go to the bottom of the Bulb Exchange page and fill in the details and continue. It guides you directly on to your PayPal account. No cheques or credit cards can be accepted. Enclosed in the order, every recipient will receive a payment slip showing the details, please wait with any payment until you have received your order.

The donation window for the spring exchange will be announced around the mid of February, please do not send any material before this announcement.

Again, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Uli Urban: johannes-ulrich-urban@t-online.de
Happy growing!

*Additions from Thursday, 11pm in Red!*

Uli and Martin

Here is our list:

From Gianni Benetti, all bulbs:
EX09_495 Allium oreophilum

EX09_496 Allium roseum
Height: 30-45 cm (1-1.5 ft)
Flower Colors: pink
Flower Season: late spring to early summer

EX09_497 Galanthus woronowii

From Martin Bohnet: bulbs...
EX09_498 Allium obliquum
Height: 60-100 cm (2-3.3 ft)
Flower Colors: yellow
Flower Season: late spring to early summer

EX09_499 Iris fulva

EX09_500 Iris spuria
-Group orange (Imperial Bronze?)
EX09_501 Iris spuria
-Group red (Cinnabar red?)
EX09_502 Iris spuria
-Group yellow
EX09_503 Roscoea xBeesiana

and seed:
EX09_504 Codonopsis pilosula

EX09_505 Freesia leichtlinii
ssp alba
EX09_506 Ipomopsis rubra (not a geophyte)
EX09_507 Liatris spicata
Height: 60-100 cm (2-3.3 ft)
Flower Colors: purple
Flower Season: mid summer
Life form:  corm
floristean white OP
EX09_508 Paeonia delavayi
(parent yellow with red eye)
EX09_509 Platycodon grandiflorus
(white and blue parents)

From Peter Dinges: Bulbs...
EX09_510 Albuca bracteata

EX09_511 Chasmanthe bicolor
EX09_512 Ferraria crispa
Flower Colors: white, green, yellow, brown, patterned
Life form: deciduous corm
Climate: winter rain climate
EX09_513 Ferraria divaricata
Height: 30-45 cm (1-1.5 ft)
Flower Colors: yellow, green
Life form: deciduous corm
Climate: winter rain climate
EX09_514 Oxalis luteola

and seeds:
EX09_515 Haemanthus albiflos

From Antione Hoog - all bulbs:
EX09_516 Bellevalia koeiei
EX09_517 Bellevalia mauritanica SL255 Tunisia
EX09_518 Bellevalia pieridis OP28062 Cyprus: Pafos
EX09_519 Bellevalia trifoliata
Crete 600 m
EX09_520 Brodiaea purdyi

EX09_521 Colchicum davisii non-flowering size
EX09_522 Crocus seed-raised from Crocus exiguus, multi-colored
EX09_523 Fritillaria meleagris
'Eros' violet, seed-raised from white clone
EX09_524 Geranium transversale
f. laciniata
EX09_525 Geranium transversale
'Rose Foundling'
EX09_526 Hyacinthoides hispanica
coll. S. Spain
EX09_527 Hyacinthoides paivae Portugal: Argo de Baixo
EX09_528 Hyacinthoides vicentina VH.702
EX09_529 Iris hoogiana
EX09_530 Iris lusitanica
EX09_531 Iris tingitana

EX09_532 Muscari armeniacum
white form Armenia: nr Goris
EX09_533 Muscari azureum X pallens
EX09_534 Muscari coeruleum N. Caucasus, Adygeya
EX09_535 Muscari commutatum
GR: Peloponnese
EX09_536 Muscari commutatum
'Album' GR: Peloponnese
EX09_537 Muscari heldreichii GR: Mt Chelmos
EX09_538 Muscari pallens
early form Coll. Armenia
EX09_539 Muscari parviflorum

EX09_540 Muscari pinardi TR: Cilician Taurus
EX09_541 Muscari pulchellum ssp. pulchellum
EX09_542 Muscari spreitzenhoferi Crete 600m
EX09_543 Muscari weissii Crete, 250 m
EX09_544 Muscari 'Rosy Sunrise'
EX09_545 Narcissus poeticus
var. physaloides FR: Var 850 m
EX09_546 Narcissus pseudonarcissus
ssp. nobilis
EX09_547 Romulea bulbocodium
ssp. crocea JP.87-81
EX09_548 Scilla cilicica
EX09_549 Scilla monophylla P: nr. Lisbon
EX09_550 Scilla morrisii
Cyprus 700 m
EX09_551 Scilla ingridae
EX09_552 Scilla taurica RS.156/83 Crimea: 800 m
EX09_553 Tritonia securigera

From Carlos Jimenéz: bulbs...
EX09_554 Acis valentina
Flower Colors: white
Flower Season: early autumn
Life form:  bulb

EX09_555 Albuca spec
EX09_556 Narcissus bulbocodium
subsp quintanilhae ex ororn perry

and seeds:
EX09_557 Artemisia assoana
EX09_558 Asphodelus ayardii
EX09_559 Eucrosia aurantiaca
ex R. deVries BX405
EX09_560 Fritillaria pyrenaica

EX09_561 Gadoria falukei
EX09_562 Hesperocallis undulata
EX09_563 Moraea sisyrinchium
ex Engomi, Cyprus
EX09_564 Muscari massayanum
ex Aladaglar Seisums 012-039
EX09_565 Plantago subulata
EX09_566 Romulea spec. Azrou, Morocco
EX09_567 Tulipa cypria

EX09_568 Zephyranthes katheriniae
EX09_569 Zephyranthes tubispatha rosea ex vivaio Corazza

From Sabine Kämpfe: bulbs...
EX09_570 Iris barbata elatior group apricot
EX09_571 Iris barbata elatior group light blue
EX09_572 Iris barbata elatior group surprise color
EX09_573 Iris barbata nana group almost black
EX09_574 Iris barbata nana group brownish and purple
EX09_575 Iris barbata nana group ,Hot' (sunny yellow & dark brown, can rebloom)
EX09_576 Tulipa linifolia

and seeds:
EX09_577 Iris crocea OP
EX09_578 Iris spuria
-group 'Imperial Bronze' OP

From Randy Linke: seeds
EX09_579 Zephyranthes tubispatha syn Habranthus tubispathus

From Angelika Neitzert: bulbs...
EX09_580 Gladiolus oligophlebius (summer grower)
EX09_581 Oxalis ,,Golden cape"

and seeds:
EX09_582 Nerine masoniorum

EX09_583 Zephyranthes minima

From Uli Urban: bulbs...
EX09_584 Allium sativum
(?) Elephant's garlic, edible
EX09_585 Brunsvigia josefinae, 2 year old seedlings from Lauw de Jager
EX09_586 Lilium sulphureum

and seeds:
EX09_587 Aristolochia gigantea
EX09_588 Cyclamen persicum
EX09_589 Gladiolus alatus
Flower Colors: orange, white, yellow
Life form:  corm
Climate: winter rain climate

EX09_590 Gladiolus aureus
Flower Colors: yellow
Climate: winter rain climate

EX09_591 Gladiolus carneus
Flower Colors: pink
Flower Season: late spring
Life form:  corm
Climate: winter rain climate

EX09_592 Gladiolus priorii
Flower Colors: red
Life form:  corm
Climate: winter rain climate

EX09_593 Gladiolus virescens
Flower Colors: yellow, pink
Flower Season: early spring
var virescens
EX09_594 Iris creticus
EX09_595 Iris orientalis
white heirloom
EX09_596 Iris spuria
brown cultivar
EX09_597 Scilla hyacinthoides
tall form
EX09_598 Veltheimia bracteata
EX09_599 Veltheimia deasii (?) intense pink, early capensis type

from Wylie Young (all bulbs):
EX09_600 Amaryllis belladonna
'Fred Meyer White'
EX09_601 Nerine sarniensis
hybrids from Exbury collection unlabeled

From Roland Ludwig: bulbs...

EX09_602 Begonia grandis
ssp. evansiana Bulbils

EX09_603 Cyanella aquatica
, winter-growing ex SABG

EX09_604 Cyrtanthus montanus
, more or less evergreen

EX09_605 Ledebouria socialis
, ex Botanical Garden Sollér (Mallorca)

EX09_606 Odontostomum hartwegii ex SABG
EX09_607 Oxalis brasiliensis
, ex Speciosus

EX09_608 Oxalis corymbosa ,Aureo-Reticulata'
EX09_609 Oxalis eckloniana 

and seeds...

EX09_610 Albuca virens
Flower Colors: white, green
Life form:  bulb
ex Bert Zaalberg

EX09_611 Arisaema flavum ,Kashmir'
EX09_612 Galtonia sp. aff. viridiflora
EX09_613 Talinum paniculatum
EX09_614 Tritonia disticha
ssp. rubrolucens Tall Pink Form ex De Hessenhof

EX09_615 Tulipa bifloriformis
ex Augis Bulbs

EX09_616 Tulipa binutans ex Augis Bulbs
EX09_617 Zephyranthes ,Cookie Cutter Moon' possibly not true from seed
EX09_618 Zephyranthes filifolia ex Hans Joschko
EX09_619 Zephyranthes mesochloa
ex Bert Zaalberg

EX09_620 Zephyranthes minuta = syn. Z. grandiflora

and cuttings: (Parent plant was recent victim to a storm, charged as bulbs):

EX09_621  Hatiora (formerly Rhipsalidopsis, now included in Schlumbergera?)

*** Special notice: The following items from the above list can optionally be ordered in double amount as they are either surprise colors or highly availlable. The second serving will only be fulfilled and charged if the overall amount for one portion still is fair for the price!! ***

EX09_519 Bellevalia trifoliata
EX09_521 Colchicum davisii
EX09_522 Crocus seed-raised from Crocus exiguus
EX09_523 Fritillaria meleagris 'Eros' violet
EX09_524 Geranium transversale f. laciniata
EX09_525 Geranium transversale 'Rose Foundling'
EX09_527 Hyacinthoides paivae
EX09_528 Hyacinthoides vicentina
EX09_536 Muscari commutatum 'Album'
EX09_539 Muscari parviflorum
EX09_541 Muscari pulchellum ssp. pulchellum
EX09_545 Narcissus poeticus var. physaloides
EX09_546 Narcissus pseudonarcissus ssp. nobilis
EX09_547 Romulea bulbocodium ssp. crocea
EX09_548 Scilla cilicica
EX09_549 Scilla monophylla
EX09_552 Scilla taurica
EX09_553 Tritonia securigera
EX09_572 Iris barbata elatior group surprise color 
EX09_601 Nerine sarniensis hybrids from Exbury collection unlabeled

Leftovers from EX09 in September, still at full price, sorted by type. Please check the EX09 list for the donors:

Bulbs from EX09:
EX09_004 Allium flavum

EX09_005 Gladiolus splendens
Flower Colors: red
Climate: winter rain climate

EX09_019 Allium roseum
Height: 30-45 cm (1-1.5 ft)
Flower Colors: pink
Flower Season: late spring to early summer

EX09_020 Allium subvillosum

EX09_021 Allium trifoliatum

EX09_030 Drimia maritima

EX09_043 Chasmanthe floribunda

EX09_044 Ornithogalum arabicum

EX09_047 Babiana ambigua

EX09_048 Babiana stricta

EX09_056 Lachenalia pussila
EX09_057 Lachenalia pygmaea

EX09_060 Lachenalia viridiflora

EX09_094 Babiana angustifolia
deep blue
EX09_095 Babiana melanops
ex Silverhill mid blue
EX09_096 Babiana odorata

EX09_099 Dichelostemma ida-maia

EX09_101 Freesia ,Kent's Strain'
EX09_112 Lachenalia bulbifera
  ,Bredasdopp form'
EX09_113 Lachenalia multifolia
late flowering
EX09_115 Lachenalia suaevolens, fragrant
EX09_117 Narcissus gaditanus

Seeds from EX09:
EX09_003 Gladiolus imbricatus
Flower Colors: purple

EX09_007 Allium karataviense
Life form:  bulb

EX09_008 Freesia laxa

EX09_010 Hesperantha coccinea
pink form
EX09_012 Ipomoea pubescens
Height: 150-250 cm (4.9-8.2 ft)
Flower Colors: purple
Special: climber
Life form:  tuber

EX09_013 Moraea ochroleuca
EX09_014 Moraea simulans

EX09_015 Moraea vegeta

EX09_016 Ramonda myconi
EX09_022 Allium crenulatum

EX09_023 Allium unifolium

EX09_025 Drimia uniflora

EX09_038 Allium nevskianum
Flower Colors: purple
,ex Augis Bulbs
EX09_040 Gladiolus dalenii
Flower Colors: red, yellow, green, patterned
Climate: summer rain climate
EX09_042 Zephyranthes morrisclintii ex Nymphaion
EX09_045 Chasmanthe floribunda

EX09_073 Acis nicaeensis
Height: 10-20 cm (3.9-7.9 inch)
Flower Colors: white
Flower Season: mid spring
EX09_074 Allium shelkovnikovii 
EX09_077 Crocus ibrahimii 
EX09_083 Leopoldia caucasica JJA 688.600
EX09_084 Narcissus obesus
MS 451
EX09_085 Narcissus romanensis
EX09_086 Pseudomuscari chalusicum
JJA 690.700
EX09_087 Scilla madeirensis

EX09_089 Albuca rupestris
EX09_090 Albuca shawii
Flower Colors: yellow

EX09_091 Drimia platyphylla

EX09_135 Gladiolus imbricatus
Flower Colors: purple

EX09_495 Pelargonium quinquelobatum

Leftovers from the Spring Exchange EX08, all seeds at 1$:
EX08_008 Arisaema consanguineum

EX08_009 Barnardia japonica

EX08_010 Bomarea edulis

EX08_012 Eucomis zambesiaca

EX08_016 Albuca setosa
Flower Colors: white, green, brown, yellow
Life form:  bulb

EX08_017 Allium cernuum
Flower Colors: pink, white
Flower Season: early summer to mid summer

EX08_019 Allium nutans

EX08_020 Barnardia japonica

EX08_021 Galtonia viridiflora

EX08_023 Hesperantha baurii

EX08_025 Iris domestica
EX08_027 Sisyrinchium angustifolium
EX08_034 Crocosmia mix of ,Anna Marie' and ,Yellow Emberglow
EX08_039 Albuca aurea
Flower Colors: yellow, green

EX08_040 Albuca pulchra

EX08_041 Albuca spec Grahamstown
EX08_047 Dahlia excelsa
EX08_048 Datura wrightii
EX08_049 Ennealophus fimbriatus

EX08_051 Iris laevigata
dark purple
EX08_052 Lilium longiflorum
Hyb. ,,white triumphator"
EX08_053 Lilium philippinense

EX08_054 Lilium pumilum

EX08_058 Habranthus robustus

EX08_060 Silene undulata (syn. capensis)
EX08_061 Zephyranthes primulina

EX08_303 Freesia laxa

EX08_304 Gladiolus x hortulanus cultivar mix incl. ,,Espresso"

From 2023 fall exchange EX07 - last time offered!
EX07_006 Camassia leichtlinii

EX07_007 Commelina tuberosa

EX07_008 Delphinium semibarbatum
EX07_009 Gladiolus palustris
Height: 30-60 cm (1-2 ft)
Flower Colors: purple, white
Flower Season: early summer
Life form: deciduous corm

EX07_011 Melaspherula gramineum
EX07_013 Paradisea lusitannica
EX07_015 Iris sicula

EX07_022 Fritillaria sewerzowii
,,green eyes"
EX07_023 Lilium pumilum

EX07_068 Smilax aspera balearicum
EX07_142 Albuca nelsonii
Flower Colors: white, green
Life form:  bulb

EX07_143 Albuca fragrans
EX07_144 Albuca spec,  Grahamstown, bright yellow upright flow. 50cm From microwaved pollen
EX07_147 Calochortus spec.  Santa Monica Range, King Gilette Rd
EX07_151 Ferraria divaricata
Height: 30-45 cm (1-1.5 ft)
Flower Colors: yellow, green
Life form: deciduous corm
Climate: winter rain climate
EX07_152 Freesia Hybr. Ex Red Passion, open pollinated
EX07_157 Iris sicula

EX07_158 Ixia viridiflora

EX07_159 Lachenalia matthewsii open pollinated
EX07_160 Manfreda maculata

EX07_161 Narcissus triandrus

EX07_162 Ornithogalum ceresianum
black centre
EX07_163 Ornithogalum fimbrimarginatum

EX07_164 Ornithogalum pruinosum

EX07_166 Primula hendersonii
(was Dodecatheon)
EX07_167 Ranunculus cortusifolius
EX07_168 Romulea clusiana
, ex Oron Peri
EX07_170 Sparaxis tricolor
, open pollinated
EX07_172 Veltheimia bracteata

EX07_173 Watsonia marginata

EX07_179 Allium triquetrum

EX07_180 Chasmanthe aethiopica

EX07_181 Gladiolus italicus
Flower Colors: purple, white

EX07_511 Iris tingitans
EX07_513 Iris xanthospuria
EX07_517 Iris spuria
reds & oranges
EX07_518 Vincetoxicum hirundinaria
EX07_530 Colchicum lusitanum

EX07_532 Narcissus coronatus (ex pallidulus) (syn of N. hispanicus?)
EX07_533 Narcissus dubius
Molina de Segura – Spain
EX07_534 Narcissus gaditanus
  - Casabermeja, Málaga, Spain
EX07_552 Crocosmia ,Yellow Emberglow'
EX07_554 Mirabilis jalapa
Height: 60-100 cm (2-3.3 ft)
Flower Colors: white, red, yellow, pink, patterned
Flower Season: mid summer to late summer
Special: flowers first year from seed
Life form: deciduous thick roots
, flower pinkish red
EX07_559 Albuca spec ex Koehres
EX07_562 Tulipa batalinii
Charm op
EX07_563 Tulipa dubia Beldersai op
EX07_567 Tulipa tarda dasystemon op
EX07_568 Tulipa tarda
Little Star op
EX07_569 Tulipa tarda
EX07_570 Tulipa tarda Tity's Star op
EX07_571 Tulipa urumiensis
EX07_572 Tulipa vvedenskyi Leonora op
EX07_577 Aristea ecklonii

EX07_580 Hymenosporum flavum

This completes the selection for EX09b.
Martin (pronouns: he/his/him)

Martin Bohnet

A few commentaries on this list:

  • We have a very special "new" donor on board, as  @Antoine Hoog  gave us a wonderfull selection of nursery grade bulbs, with a special focus on Scilloideae - new of course just on board the pbs, as the name will not likely be unknown to anyone remotely into geophytes.
  • especially in the seed department, some none-geophytic species became (not for the first time) part of the list - that's totally ok if the seeds in question are unusual or interesting in any other way. I've done it myself this time with Ipomopsis rubra, which I find to be a completely underused wonderful biannual. We will watch this not to get out of hand, though. Focus still has to be on geophytes!
  • Grab-Bag type donations and some well stocked species from Antoine allow for a second serving - please refer to the extra listed species between EX09b and EX09 leftovers section
  • With the hybrid iris I tried to follow the advice from recent SIGNA-Journal to NOT give binominals lightly to things that likely are hybrids, hope that reduces possible irritations.
Martin (pronouns: he/his/him)

Martin Bohnet

And once again I dropped something - sorry @Kasbek / Roland

Additions EX09_602-621 see above in RED
Martin (pronouns: he/his/him)


Hu, some info on my material:

Acis valentina  -Could be Narcissus x perezlarae, my mistake!Bulbs
Albuca aff fragrans, was A. clanwilliamaegloria ex Château PérouseBulbs
Narcissus bulbocodium subsp quintanilhae ex Oron Peri, a sterile strainBulbs
Artemisia assoana CJB-683 Calomarde, Teruel Spain - Wild 2024Seeds
Asphodelus ayardii CJB-716 Paterna, Valencia, Spain - Wild 2024Seeds
Eucrosia aurantiaca ex R. de Vries BX405Seeds
Gadoria falukei One of the last new genera to have been described in Spain, amazing for a Mediterranean rock garden with mild winters. Shade to semi shade. From cultivated plants ex only known wild population (non-geophyte)Seeds
Moraea sisyrinchium ex Engomi, Cyprus Seeds
Muscari massayanum ex Aladaglar Seisums 012-039 (through Antoine Hoog)Seeds
Plantago subulata Cap de Creus, Spain - Another stunner for a rock.  garden in not too cold climates. Lives on pure rock on cliffs facing the sea. Wild 2024 (non-geophyte)Seeds
Romulea sp. Old military post of Ito, Azrou, Morocco - Wild 2024. Growing at 1800-2000 m, getting snow

Tulipa cypria From cultivated plants ex one of the few extant wild stands
Carlos Jiménez
Valencia, Spain, zone 10
Dry Thermomediterranean, 450 mm

Martin Bohnet

all the Packages are on the road. As always: dropping me a line on arrival is very welcome.

That was a big one: 370 items went out to 27 recipients. And a few heavy surprises. Some of you will see what I mean  :o ;)
Martin (pronouns: he/his/him)