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Messages - Bwosczyna

Current Photographs / Re: Burning man hat
November 29, 2023, 10:05:09 AM
Hi, Jim,
I headed right over here to check this out when I read you were going to post it.

I love it.  No small measure of time to get that all painted up.  

Thanks for sharing.
PBS Members Affairs / President's Message
November 22, 2023, 07:34:27 PM

Let me begin by heartily thanking immediate past President Robin Hansen for her efforts on behalf of the Society.  We wish her well in the future, but as she will continue to edit The Bulb Garden, are happy she will still be involved with PBS.  We are grateful for her experience, expertise and time at the helm. I must also personally recognize Jan Jeddeloh, who wrangled the SX for the last couple of years, as she steps out of her role and gets to spend more time on her own endeavors. 

I would like to welcome Mark Akimoff and Lisa Zankowski to the Board in their respective positions as Vice President and Seed Exchange Manager.  

I would also like to thank each of our current Board members for their efforts on behalf of PBS.  A stellar team of dedicated bulb nuts whose combined knowledge is vast. Each of them brings something interesting and helpful to the table. I have already learned much from them and they are generous with their time and energy. There is much happening behind the scenes to keep PBS running of which many members may not be aware.

I thought it may be helpful to share a little bit of background on myself.  I garden in southeast Pennsylvania.  My passion is hardy aroids, arums and arisaema, especially.  Many of you have had interaction with me in my position as Bulb Exchange Manager, of course, and I will continue to hold that position. It is one of my favorite things about PBS: I get to see all of the fabulous items our members donate and send them on their way to new homes.  Every small box represents a whole lot of hope and excitement. 

My horticultural background is hobby grower, prior owner of a small garden maintenance business and garden enthusiast. 

My journey to heading up PBS is amusing to me.  About ten years ago a friend of mine who lives in Australia introduced me to arums - really interesting arums; he grew enormous dracunculus and miniscule biarum.  They spoke to me because I am into nearly any plant that possesses a spadix. I had been growing arisaema for years but had not explored further as I was creating a Japanese woodland garden at my last house.  Mediterranean bulbs/corms were a revelation.  I was hooked, but how to get all these cool things?  He suggested I join horticultural societies and acquire seed. I did. NARGS, SRGC, PBS. I ordered seeds from all, treated them all wrong and lost mostly everything.  But then I requested bulbs and corms from PBS.  And the love affair began.  After several years, I volunteered to take over the BX because I felt I needed to give back to PBS.  I'd enjoyed inexpensive access to rare bulbs you cannot obtain easily, not to mention access to the Wiki.  (An invaluable resource. It is by far one of the best tools referred to time and again by experts and newbies all over the world.)

My seed game still needs work; I'm getting there. But I do have a lovely collection of arum and relatives growing in my garden, along with myriad member-donated items I've received over the years from the BX. I've been posting on social media about membership having its privileges for some time and will continue to do so. Louder.  I am PBS's biggest cheerleader.

My hope for my time as President is to grow the Society, foster improved communication between the Board and members where appropriate, assure we are financially stable, make some changes to our social media presence and shepherd new ideas as they are introduced.  

I'm looking forward to the next couple of years as a steward of PBS. It's important to me. 

Thank you.
Bridget Wosczyna

P.S.  I would like to reiterate the matter that Arnold addressed in his recent email: membership.  If you renew (or join) now, you can do so at the current rate of $20 a year US ($25 overseas).  You could renew for the next few years at that current rate of $20 (or $25 overseas) as long as you do so by December 31.  Thereafter, annual membership rates will be increased to $25/$30.  
I wanted to drop a note to let everyone who ordered from the BX know if you haven't received your box yet (partial distribution was earlier this week), the balance went out today. If you are on the west coast, you can expect delivery within 5 business days, and east of the Mississippi should be a few days. 

The BX was enormous.  We had 157 items on offer with 76 members making requests.  I was able to accommodate everyone for at least something they were after. 

By far the most sought-after items were Arcangelo's gethyllis.  Happily, I think I was able to send one (or both) to nearly everyone who requested them. These are highly uncommon to find available. I hope everyone has screaming success growing them and in a few years we see some donations coming back around to the BX.  The second most popular were Kipp McMichael's gladiolus followed closely by Robert Parks' arisaema flavum, of which there were, regrettably, only two corms.  I am going to work on growing some from seed (they are dead easy) and am hoping next year I might have some to share. 

I would like to give a huge thank you to our donors. All of our donors. Whether you sent one of something in or dozens, please know that it is appreciated.  The volume of bulbs, tubers and rhizomes that come across my dining room table continues to astound me.   

On a personal note, as BX Director, I was thrilled to see interest in arisaema, as they are my first love.  I will continue to offer them and I hope everyone is successful growing.  A quick note for anyone trying them for the first time: most species REQUIRE a dry dormancy, except our native arisaema triphyllum and arisaema ringens, which can handle a bit more moisture while dormant.  If not kept in a pot, how they are sited is crucial over the winter months.  Dry is always better than a low spot with poor drainage.

I have a few grab bags available.  Director's choice.  $5 for a stuffed box, plus postage.  Shoot me an email and I'll drop them in the mail next week.

Finally, thanks so much for all the positive feedback.  It helps, I assure you, when I'm in the throes of sorting and organizing. 
General Discussion / Re: SX seed results
October 24, 2023, 08:15:49 PM
It's lovely, Rimmer.  Thanks for sharing. Would you please post again when it opens?
Bulb and Seed Exchanges / Addition to US BX 493
October 22, 2023, 07:38:10 AM
I inadvertently omitted a donation bulb from Joseph Gorman. 
Also available for your consideration is 

No. 157 Acis tingitana

Bulb and Seed Exchanges / US BX 493 CLOSED
October 21, 2023, 08:28:16 PM
All: Please read this post/email in its entirety prior to ordering so we will have no confusion for ordering and your boxes can get out to you quickly.  It will make my job a little easier.

*This BX will be open for orders until Tuesday, October 24, 2023 at 9:00 p.m. PST*

Standard rules apply for this BX:

Kindly review the list below and email me with your request(s) at
I will send a simple acknowledgement of your email.  Should you not have a response from me within a day, please resend.

Be sure to include your full name and current address.

Bulbs are $3 each.  Some of these are only one share and in short supply.

This will be a lottery (however, if you did not receive something last round, kindly advise and I will try to assure some accommodation. Also, if there is something you really are looking to receive, it helps for me to know this as well.)

You must be current in your membership and you must be up-to-date on BX/SX charges. If you are uncertain, feel free to check with Jane McGary or Arnold Trachtenberg.


Orders should be paid upon receipt through the PBS website at:

Please be sure to reference the BX number above, this helps us with accounting.
You are still free to send payment via check if that is your preference.

No orders to anywhere but the US and (sometimes) Canada can be entertained at this point.  We cannot furnish the appropriate phyto docs to other countries.

Thank you as always to our current donors.  Be advised that any and all mistakes on spelling are likely mine.  If donors see an issue with their listed item, please feel free to chime in.

Rimmer de Vries

1 Alliumamethystinum ex BX 252
2 Hippeastrum  species- lost tag
3 Hippeastrum  striatum 'saltao' offsets from Brazil Plants seedlings
4 Sinningia          'Esther' cuttings
5 Sinningia          'Esther' OP seedlings
6 Sinningia          ('Wildfire' X S. globulosa) X self - Brazil plants  cuttings started 11//20/2022
7 Sinningia          bullata  1 yr old cuttings
8 Sinningia          leucotricha x S. piresiana 18 month seedlings st 5/18/2022
9 Sinningia          reitzii -magenta form 6 month cuttings started 5/19/2023
Mike Lowitz
10 Ferraria divaricata
Height: 30-45 cm (1-1.5 ft)
Flower Colors: yellow, green
Life form: deciduous corm
Climate: winter rain climate

11 Ferraria Schaeferi    
12 Cyanella orchidiformis

Dorothy Dron Smith
13 Amaryllis papilio       
14 Zephyranthes              yellow, likely aurea
Mary Sue Ittner
15 Brodiaea californica 
16 Brodiaea pallida

17 Ferraria crispa
Flower Colors: white, green, yellow, brown, patterned
Life form: deciduous corm
Climate: winter rain climate

18.  Geissorhizaspp. (inaequalis, heterostyla)       
19 Narcissusspp. (probably bulbocodium, cantabricus, jonquilla or romieuxii)       
20 Oxalis obtusa

21 Tritonia crocata

22 Tritonia flabellifolia

23  Unidentified mixed multiple sized bulbs (winter growing, probably a lot of California native and South African species)             
Gastil Buhl
24 Boophone haemanthoides

25 Dichelostemma capitata 'Santa Cruz Giant' - now Dipterostemon capitatus       
26Dichelostemma capitata (ordinary) - now Dipterostemon capitatus     
27 Freesia laxa 'azurea' 
28 Moraea polyanthos  
29 Scilla vincentii - most likely actually Hyacinthoides mauritanica ssp. vincentina
Charles and Dee Foster
30 Babiana ecklonii      
31 Babiana 'Jim's Choice'            (Jim Duggan)
32 Dichelostemma capitatum
      (Bx 447)

33 Dichelostemma ida-maia

34 Ferraria crispa
Flower Colors: white, green, yellow, brown, patterned
Life form: deciduous corm
Climate: winter rain climate

35 Misc ferraria
36 0Ixia 'Giant' 
37 Ixia 'Venus'  
38 Lachenalia rosea
      ex Telos

39 Lachenalia aloides v. vanzyliae             ex Telos
40 Lachenalia viridiflora
            ex R de Vries

41 Moraea villosa
(various colors)              ex Mike Mace seed

42 Onixotis triquetra      ex Jim Duggan
43 Spiloxene capensis
    ex Jim Duggan

44 Veltheimia bracteata

45 Leucocoryne vitatta  ex Telos
Ernie DeMarie
46 Oxalis purpurascens  NYBG  ex EDMarie
47 Babiana villosa          
48 Oxalis anomala
            Andrew Broome ex Bill Baird

49Oxalis obtusa
yellow (prob luteola)     

50 Oxalis luteola            
51 Oxalis pusilla

52 Oxalis purpurea 'Pink Giant' 
53 Oxalis lasiorhiza          ex Telos
54 Oxalis obtusa
pink and/or yellow       

55 Oxalis purpurea
          ex Bill Baird

56 Oxalis attaquana      
57 Oxalis bifurcata          
58 Oxalis obtusa
MV 5051            ex Bill Baird

59 Oxalissp        ex Bill Baird
60 Oxalis lunar halo       
61 Albuca circinata       
62 Chasmanthe                ex melkhoutfontein
63 Massoniasp (flowring size)   
64 Bulbinella dolomitica (orange)             
65Tritonia deusta

66 Tritonia Karekamma  ex EDeMarie
67 Haemanthussp         
68 Freesiacf. fucata yellow flowers          ex DBG?
69 Freesiasp     
70 Freesia alba 
71 Freesia          ex SH
72 Freesia fucata
              ex SH Villiersdorp

73 Babiana villosa

74 Ferraria sp    ex assegaaibosch
75 Moraea aristata        
76 Moraea ciliata           ex BX 241
77 Moraea loubseri

78 Moraea lurida

79 Moraea lurida
            ex BX 267 #13

80 Moraea polystachya

Judy Wong
81 Chasmanthe floribunda 'Duckittii'      
82 Watsonia sp (white) 
83 Crocosmia 'Burning Embers' 
84 Albuca sp 'Augrabies Hills'     
Amy Olmsted
85 Arisaema triphyllum 
86 Arisaema consanguineum 'Silver Center' (small offsets)           
87 Arisaema triphyllum ssp stewardsonii
88 Arisaema fargesii    
89 Cyrtanthus parvifolius            
90 Zephyranthes candida

Mark Akimoff
91 Arum byzantinum     
92 Arum dioscoridis      
93 Arum tenuifolium ssp abbreviatum   
94 Colchicum 'Glory of Heemstede'       
95 Crocus kotschyanus 'Reliant'   
96 Crocus sativus          
97 Galanthus atkinsii    
98 Geranium macrostylum 'Talish'          
99 Moraea ochroleuca 
100Oxalis hirta

101 Triteleia ixioides ssp analina
102 Ferraria densepunctulata     Duggan
103 Ferraria divaricata
Height: 30-45 cm (1-1.5 ft)
Flower Colors: yellow, green
Life form: deciduous corm
Climate: winter rain climate

104 Ferraria crispa         Duggan
105Ferraria ferrariola     Duggan
106 Freesia caryophyllacea
          d'oblong + Ittner

107 Gladiolus bonaspei
Flower Colors: red, orange
Life form:  corm
Climate: winter rain climate
  Silverhill Silvesmere Peninsula

108 Calochortus superbus           collection
109 Moraea serpentina

110 Romulea tortuosa
var tortuosa          Summerfield (Bo-Tuin)

111 Moraea pritzeliana

112 Calochortus venustus           collection
113 Gladiolus patersoniae           Silverhill (Little Karoo)
114 Gladiolus equitans
Flower Colors: red, orange
Climate: winter rain climate

115 Babiana ringens       Silverhill
Joseph Gorman
116 Habranthus robustus
received as Rhodophiala bifida AGS SX68#3923

117 Habranthussp. (tubispathus?)          AGS SX67#2843
118 Habranthus tubispathus      
119 Ledebouria socialis

120 Ornithogalum longebracteatum       
121 Romulea pratensis
  SRGC SX71#3320

122 Romulea rosea
        SRGC SX71#3322

123 Zephyranthes concolor          AGS SX66#5031
124 Zephyranthes drummondii
  AGS SX66#5032

125 Zephyranthes morrisclintii   NARGS SX18-19#2179
Robert Parks
126 Albuca virens
Flower Colors: white, green
Life form:  bulb

127 Sauromatum venosum
(few petiole spots)    ex Plant Delights

128 Amorphophallus konjac
Flower Colors: black
Flower Season: mid spring
Special: edible storage organ
Life form:  tuber
RP3              ex Harbinger Orchids

129 Arum italicum        
130 Arisaema exappendiculatum

131 Arisaema concinnum

132 Arisaema(lost label)              fargesii or candidissumum
133 Arisaema flavum
(Yellow Strain #2)  ex Harbinger Orchids

134 Albuca fragrans        from PBS SX-472
135 Arum dioscoridis v. syriacum RP1     
136 Arisaema dracontium          
137 Ixia polystacha Baby Blue     
138 Themids (Tassajara Hot Springs)        prob: Dipterostemon capitatus, Tritileia ixioides
139 Nerine filifolia

Christine Doud
140 Calostemma purpureum       RECALCITRANT SEEDS
Arcangelo Wessells
141 Gethyllis ciliaris ssp. Longituba (open pollinated, pink)            Silverhill seed
142 Gethyllis, likely linearis (misc sizes, white flowers, scented)    Silverhill seed
Bridget Wosczyna
143 Amorphophallus konjac
Flower Colors: black
Flower Season: mid spring
Special: edible storage organ
Life form:  tuber
  Flowering size (one corm: size of a softball) will require additional postage         

144 Amorphophallus konjac
Flower Colors: black
Flower Season: mid spring
Special: edible storage organ
Life form:  tuber
(a year or two from flowering size but large)

145 Arisaema fargesii
(Flowering size and smaller corms)

146 Arisaema consanguineum 'Silver Center'.  May be 'Siren's Song, 'Perfect Wave' or 'Poseidon' (at or near flowering size)        ex Ellen Hornig, Seneca Hill Nursery
147 Arisaema lichiangense(offsets)         
148 Arisaema heterophyllum
(offsets, large marble size) 

Janet Hoffman
149 Allium unifolium

150 Amaryllis papilio
151 Babiana ringens

152 Watsonia meriana ssp meriana
Judy McBride
153 Alstroemeria psittacosaurus
154 Alstroemeria psittacina 'variegata'
155 Iris pseudacorus  likely 'Holden Clough'
156 Amaryllis papilio
157 Acis tingitana
BX Director
Hi, everyone!
I am almost finished with the list for the BX.  I intend to post tomorrow, Saturday, October 21.  The list will include at least 140 items; a whole lot of treasure shared by our incredible members. I will post here and on the List.
Keep an eye out.  


BX Manager

The donation window for the next 2023 US BX is now open until October 21, 2023 (if you need additional time, kindly advise). Please read below carefully, thanks!

I am ready to accept donations of clean, healthy bulbs at this time.  I am not requiring that donors pre-package the donations in ready-to-go packets at this time; I find it easier and more effective to do this myself according to demand and realize not everyone has time to sort and separate, other than species.  I will need you to at least label the bag or box to easily identify the bulbs.

Each donor will be credited the postage for the donation or a minimum of $5.

Feel free to include comments or instructions for your donated items, most of us need some help with new items to our collections.

Kindly send your donations to me at:

Bridget Wosczyna

731 Furnace Road
Morgantown PA 19543

Please be sure to send me an email advising that you have sent the bulbs so that I may keep an eye on my mailbox.

This notice will  be mailed out to the PBS mailing list as well.

Email me at with any questions. 

Thanks in advance!
Interesting things to consider. But the leaf on the mother corm was variegated last year and the offset corms from last year are all green as well.

No worries.  I have time and I have room.  I'll cut some stems and see what happens.  
Bulb and Seed Exchanges / BX 2023 492 CLOSED
August 28, 2023, 01:52:55 PM
All: Please read this post/email in its entirety prior to ordering so we will have no confusion for ordering and your boxes can get out to you quickly.  It will make my job a little easier.

*This BX will be open for orders until Thursday, August 31, 2023 at 9:00 p.m. PST*

Standard rules apply for this BX:

Kindly review the list below and email me with your request(s) at
I will send a simple acknowledgement of your email.  Should you not have a response from me within a day, please resend.

Be sure to include your full name and current address.

Bulbs are $3 each.  Some of these are only one share and in short supply.

This will be a lottery (however, if you did not receive something last round, kindly advise and I will try to assure some accommodation. Also, if there is something you really are looking to receive, it helps for me to know this as well.)

You must be current in your membership and you must be up-to-date on BX/SX charges. If you are uncertain, feel free to check with Jane McGary or Arnold Trachtenberg.


Orders should be paid upon receipt through the PBS website at:

Please be sure to reference the BX number above, this helps us with accounting.
You are still free to send payment via check if that is your preference.

No orders to anywhere but the US and (sometimes) Canada can be entertained at this point.  We cannot furnish the appropriate phyto docs to other countries.

Thank you as always to our current donors.  Be advised that any and all mistakes on spelling are likely mine.  If donors see an issue with their listed item, please feel free to chime in.

1.      Amorphophallus kochiensis                   Robert Parks
2.      Amorphophallus malkmus-husseinii
3.     Arum dioscoridis
4.     Arum dioscoridis v. syriacum
5.      Biarum tenuifolium

6.      Eriospermum proliferum
7.      Gladiolus communis
8.      Ixia curta

9.      Ixia paniculata

10.   Ixia polystachya

11.   Ixia polystachya 'Baby Blue'
12.  Ixia viridiflora
13.   Ixia viridiflora
14.  Ixia x 'Spotlight'
15.   Nerine filifolia

16.   Oxalis brasiliensis

17.   Oxalis bifurca

18.  Oxalis purpurea 'Garnet'
19.  Oxalis tenuifolia

20.   Oxalis versicolor
21.   Pelargonium auritum

22.  Pinellia cordata
23.  Romulea camerooniana

24.   Lachenalia(NOID)                                                                                  Mike Lowitz
25.   Albuca aloides var quadricolor                                                                Pamela Slate
26.   Albuca spiralis 'Blue Curls' ex Monica Swartz
27.   Hessea stellaris

28.  Lachenalia aloides
ex BX 411 (10/16)
29.   Lachenalia mediana ex BX 296
30.  Lachenalia pygmaea
ex Roy Herold
31.  Lachenalia reflexa
ex BX 432
32.  Lachenalia viridiflora

33.   Lachenaliasp, lost tag 1
34.   Lachenaliasp, lost tag 2
35.   Amaryllishybrid - seed grown two red hybrids; ex Bill the Bulb Barron.     Jeron Chamberlain
36.    Amaryllishybrid - seed grown one white hybrid; ex Bill the Bulb Barron.
37.   Oxalis purpurea 'Lavender and White' – ex  Robert Parks
38.   Oxalis bifurca
- ex Robert Parks and BX476-#3 from Mary Sue Ittner
39.   Oxalis obtusa
MV6235 - ex BX476-#11 from Mary Sue Ittner
40.   Oxalis obtusa
MV6341 - ex BX476-#12 from Mary Sue Ittner
41.   Oxalis obtusa
(Coral) - ex BX476-#13 from Mary Sue Ittner
42.   Oxalis hirta
- BX476-#24 ex Robert Parks                                                 
43.   Allium hyalinum
                                                                       MARY SUE ITTNER
44.   Allium subvillosum

45.   Babiana framesii

46.   Babiana hybrids
47.   Dichelostemma 'Pink Diamond'
48.   Fessia greilhuberi

49.   Freesia caryophyllacea

50.  Freesia laxa ssp. azurea
51.   Geissorhiza inaequalis

52.   Nothoscordum montevidense

53.   Oxalis bowiei

54.   Oxalis brasiliensis

55.   Oxalis flava
56.   Oxalis imbricata

57.   Pauridia capensis

58.   Scilla peruviana

59.   Watsonia aletroides

60.   Cyclamen graecum                                                               JANE McGARY
61.   Narcissus bulbocodium
, from seed coll. in Morocco
62.   Biarum tenuifolium

63.  Iris graeberana 'White Fall'
64.   Narcissus watieri(syn. N. rupicola subsp. watieri)
65.  Biarum karduchorum
66.   Colchicum hierosolymitanum

67.   Colchicum boissieri

68.   Leucocoryne coquimbensis

69.   Allium amethystinum
Flower Colors: purple
Flower Season: late spring to early summer
BX 252       Summer       RIMMER DE VRIES
70.  Cyanella orchidiformis
BX 368                                                  W- Sp
71.  Cyrtanthus branchycyphusTelos                                             evergreen
72.   Cyrtanthus elatus
x montanus  BX330                                    evergreen
73.   Haemanthus albiflos                                                                 evergreen
74.   Haemanthus deformis
BX358 e McMaster seed                  Su
75.  Haemanthus paucifolius Telos epiphyte                                 evergreen
76.   Hippeastrum  papilio OP (others blooming Urceloina, Paramoginia) semi evergreen
77.   Hippeastrum reticulated var. striatum                                   Su
78.   Lachenalia latimerea-short pink plant                                   Au-W
79.   Oxalis callosa
80.  Oxalis depressa
MV4871 BX251 #11                                       Au-W
81.   Oxalis flava var. fabeafolia BX362                                            Au-W
82.   Oxalis gracilis
83.   Oxalis luteola
MV5567                                                                Au-W
84.   Oxalismix, drops, spills            noid                                   cool season
85.   Oxalis obtusa
MV6341                                                                Au-W
86.  Oxalis reclinata v. gracillima Telos                                          Au-W
87.   Oxalis sp. kamiesburgensisTelos                                             Au-W
88.   Oxalissp. RH11 Silvermine in water                                        Au-W
89.   Oxalissp. Sutterland Hannon                                                    Au-W
90.   Oxalis tenuifolia
?                                                                        Au-W
91.   Oxalis zeekoevleyensis
Telos                                                    Au-W
92.   Phaedranassa dubia
- Imbubuia Orduff 9674 ex Hannon  semi evergreen
93.  Sinningia 'Esther'                                                                        semi evergreen
94.   Sinningia('Wildfire' X S. globulosa) X self - Brazil plants seed st 3/2020     semi evergreen
95.   Tritonia pallida ssp, tayloriae BX453 #6                                 W- Sp
96.   Tulbaghia actiloba- Devon SX2 #466 Nhu N   = CHECK actiloba, might be actiniloba or actinophylla                      semi evergreen
97.   Tulbaghiaex "John May's Special" AGS seed 1018-19       semi evergreen
98.  Tulbaghia violacea ex alba (pale purple)                                semi evergreen
99.   Freesia leichtlinii var. alba; 1066 (ex hort.) 2018                 JAMES HENRICH
100.                   Gladiolus ceresianus
Height: 0-10 cm (0-3.9 inch)
Flower Colors: green
Life form:  corm
Climate: winter rain climate
; 5297 (Botswaarmoed) 2018
101.                  Gladiolus guthriei
Flower Colors: red, white, patterned
Climate: winter rain climate
; 1203 (Citrusdal) 2018
102.                   Gladiolus longicollis
Flower Colors: white, yellow
Life form:  corm
Climate: summer rain climate
; 4073 (Langkloof) 2018
103.                   Gladiolus maculatus
Flower Colors: yellow, pink, purple, patterned
Climate: winter rain climate
; 3086 (Caledon) 2018
104.                  Gladiolus sufflavus
Life form:  corm
Climate: winter rain climate
; 14644 (Nieuwoudtville) 2018
105.                   Gladiolus uysiae
Flower Colors: brown, patterned
Climate: winter rain climate
; 3879 (Nieuwoudtville) 2018
106.                   Gladiolus virescens
Flower Colors: yellow, pink
Flower Season: early spring
;1223 (Bot River) 2018
107.                   Cyrtanthus elatus
x montanus                                                                                              MIKE LOWITZ
Hey Bob: 
Just saw this message... yeah, not the optimum way to care for a corm.  It's in a huge pot and I can stand beneath it this year.  Zero variegation.  And every offset from last year has no variegation either.  Interesting.
Bulb and Seed Exchanges / BX 2023 492 LIST COMING
August 27, 2023, 04:04:41 PM
Hello, Everyone:

I have been receiving and sorting boxes of bulb donations over the last few weeks and will be posting the availability list (hopefully by Monday evening).  Keep an eye out as I have some nice things on offer.


BX Manager

The donation window for the autumn 2023 US BX is now open until August 25 (if you need additional time, kindly advise). Please read below carefully, thanks!

I am ready to accept donations of clean, healthy bulbs at this time.  I am not requiring that donors pre-package the donations in ready-to-go packets; I find it easier and more effective to do this myself according to demand and realize not everyone has time to sort and separate, other than species.  I will need you to at least label the bag or box to easily identify the bulbs.

Each donor will be credited the postage for the donation or a minimum of $5.

Feel free to include comments or instructions for your donated items, most of us need some help with new items to our collections.

Kindly send your donations to me at:

Bridget Wosczyna

731 Furnace Road
Morgantown PA 19543

Please be sure to send me an email advising that you have sent the bulbs so that I may keep an eye on my mailbox.

Email me at with any questions. 

Thanks in advance!

General Discussion / Re: Caladium Resurection
August 04, 2023, 07:14:13 PM
I'll have to go check my compost pile.  I've chucked several back there.  Plants never fail to impress me.  I love when seemingly dead bulbs come back to life (something magic about the compost pile!)
They are a lot of fun to grow.  My largest corm weighed in at 18 lbs. when I potted it this year.  Be prepared.  It only took about 8 years to reach that weight - and that's after I chonked a quarter of it digging out of the ground two years ago.  