Every two years, the Board approves officers to serve for the following two-year term. President Nguyen has appointed me to serve as chair of the Nominations Committee and I'm looking for other members of the Society to serve on the Committee with me. Our job is to prepare and recommend to the Board a slate of officers to manage the programs and affairs of the Society. The Board will approve the slate by November. That gives us about five months to form the committee (which is approved by the Board), accept nominations, interview candidates, and decide on the slate. If you are interested in serving on the Nominations Committee, please contact me at jwickham@sbcglobal.net. In addition, if you are interested in serving on the Board, there are five positions to be filled: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Membership Coordinator. Here are descriptions of the positions for your consideration. Not looking for candidates just yet, but I wanted to remind everyone of the position descriptions. New terms start at the beginning of 2018. A. The President shallpreside at all meetings of the association, act as the chief executive officer,prepare agendas, and work with other board members to ensure that everything isworking smoothly and all jobs are on schedule. The president may also sign checksin emergencies. B. The Vice-Presidentshall assist the President and act in the absence of the President.C. The Secretary shalltake minutes at all meetings, be responsible for correspondence as directed bythe President and the Board, and maintain business files for the organizationand a list of all policies approved by the Board.D. The Treasurer shallbe responsible for the financial records of the organization. Thisresponsibility includes but is not limited to writing expense checks, depositingfunds received, collecting fees owed, maintaining the PayPal account,maintaining a check register and preparing (or causing to be prepared) any taxor organizational forms required by the state or federal government. Thetreasurer will submit to the Board a year to date treasurer's report prior toeach Board meeting. The treasurer shall prepare and submit an annual budget tothe Board of Directors, using input from the other officers and board memberswhere needed.E. The Membership Coordinator shall record newmember’s applications, confirm with new members that all information isaccurate, and communicate this information to other members of the board. Themembership coordinator will keep a database of member information for theorganization, send out renewal notices, notify the officers when a membershiphas lapsed, and assist in the publication of a membership directory. If you have any questions or suggestions, please let me know. Thanks, John WickhamLos Angeles, CA _______________________________________________ pbs mailing list pbs@mailman1.ibiblio.org http://pacificbulbsociety.org/list.php http://pacificbulbsociety.org/pbswiki/