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Messages - Bwosczyna

Hi Everyone:

Member Chad Cox has donated a bit of crinum seed.  It's beginning to pop and needs to be sown as soon as possible.
If anyone is interested, please let me know.  Kindly email me your choice(s) at Available are:

1. Crinum Macowanii 'African Queen'
2. Crinum bulbispermum 'Jumbo' and
3. Crinum bulbispermum

This offer is first-come, first served and will be open for until Tuesday evening (July 25). Please respond to me asap as I intend to get this seed out the door mid-week.

Bulb and Seed Exchanges / BX 491 addendum
July 06, 2023, 10:55:55 PM
Hi everyone: I inadvertently omitted two items when I posted the recent BX. 
Member Janet Hoffman donated Tulipa clusiana
(#121) and Hyacinthoides hispanica

Should you be interested in either or both of these two items, kindly send me an email right away and I can add to any orders. Hoping to have this BX out the door Saturday or Monday at latest. 
Hi everyone:
I have some additions to the BX below. 
Feel free to add to your order if you wish. Please send an email to Any spelling errors are mine alone.

From James Shao
                      110Ferraria divaricata
Height: 30-45 cm (1-1.5 ft)
Flower Colors: yellow, green
Life form: deciduous corm
Climate: winter rain climate
arenicola ex Telos
                      111Ferraria crispa
Flower Colors: white, green, yellow, brown, patterned
Life form: deciduous corm
Climate: winter rain climate
nortieri ex Telos
                      112Ferraria crispa
Flower Colors: white, green, yellow, brown, patterned
Life form: deciduous corm
Climate: winter rain climate
B ex Telos
                      113Ferraria crispa
Flower Colors: white, green, yellow, brown, patterned
Life form: deciduous corm
Climate: winter rain climate
dark ex Telos
                      114Ixia polystachya
                      115Stenomesson pearcei
ex UC Berkeley
                      116Gladiolus alatus
Flower Colors: orange, white, yellow
Life form:  corm
Climate: winter rain climate
ex J. Heinrich
                      117Gladiolussp. 'Lemon Moon'
                      118Gladiolus carneus 'Painted Lady'
                      119Hermodactylus tuberosus
Mary Sue Ittner    

Oxalis Bifurca

Bulb and Seed Exchanges / BX2023 491 CLOSED
June 24, 2023, 07:08:36 PM
All: Please read this post/email in its *entirety *prior to ordering so we will have no confusion for ordering and your boxes can get out to you much more quickly.  It will make my job a little easier. Please.

*This BX will be open for orders until Thursday, June 29, 2023 at 9:00 p.m. PST*

Standard rules apply for this BX:

Kindly review the list below and email me with your request(s) to
I will send a simple acknowledgement of your email.  Should you not have a response from me within a day, please resend.

Be sure to include your full name and current address.

Bulbs are $3 each.  Some of these are only one share and in short supply.

This will be a lottery (however, if you did not receive something last round, kindly advise and I will try to assure some accommodation. Also, if there is something you really are looking to receive, it helps for me to know this as well.)

You must be current in your membership and you must be up-to-date on BX/SX charges. If you are uncertain, feel free to check with Jane McGary or Arnold Trachtenberg.


Orders must be paid for through the PBS website at:

Please be sure to reference the BX number above.
You are still free to send payment via check if that is your preference.

No orders to anywhere but the US and (sometimes) Canada can be entertained at this point.  We cannot furnish the appropriate phyto docs to other countries.

Thank you as always to our current donors.  Be advised that any and all mistakes on spelling are likely mine.  If donors see an issue with their listed item, please feel free to chime in.

Additionally, I expect a couple additions to this list as I am waiting on a list from another donor I hope to receive prior to sending our allocated bulbs. 

1             Albuca spiralis
(small bulbs)                                                      Chad Cox
2             Albuca namaquensis
Flower Colors: yellow
                                                                Mary Sue Ittner
3             Cyrtanthus elatus
x montanus     
4             Gloxinella lindeniana
5             Oxalis engleriana
6             Oxalis hirta
7             Oxalis hirta
8             Oxalis hirta
9             Oxalis livida
10           Oxalis luteola
MV 5567 
11           Oxalis luteola
MV 6395 
12           Oxalis melanosticta
'Ken Aslet'   
13          Oxalis obtusa
MV 5005a               
14           Oxalis obtusa
15           Oxalis obtusa
16           Oxalis obtusa
17           Oxalis obtusa
Peaches & Cream 
18          Oxalis obtusa
19           Oxalis pardalis
20           Oxalis purpurea
21           Oxalis purpurea
'Lavender & White'         
22           Tulipa clusiana
23           Tulipa clusiana
var. chrysantha   
24           Tulipa Darwin hybrids (mixed colors)       
25           Tulipa linifolia
26           Tulipa linifolia
(syn. Tulipa batalinii - yellow flowers)         
27           Tulipa orphanidea
28           TulipaRed Cup 
29           Allium    sp. China tall small mauves drumstick      Rimmer de Vries
30           Bernardia japonica/ Scillascillioides
31           Freesia laxa albomaculata (white and pink)
32           Geissorhiza         aspera and heterostyly volunteers
33           Habranthus         tubispathus
34           Haemanthus       albiflos
35           Haemanthus       albiflos
36           Haemanthus deformis

37          Hippeastrum  papilio
38          Melasphaerula graminea

39           Ornithogalum hispidulum
40           Oxalis    sp.
41           Pelargoniam ochroleucum (sec.Hoerea)
42           Pelargonium barkleyi (nice leaves)
43          Phaedranassa dubia

44           Sinningia  tubiflora - garden dug in Nov 2022 and May 2023
45           unknown vol.     Polyxena, massonia, etc
46           Narcissus             hyb. 'White Lady' from R.A. Scamp
47           Pamianthe peruviana

48           Resnova megaphylla

49           Scilla madeirensis

50           Sinningia  micans x bullata seedling- (first gen. hybrid?)
51           Tritonia gladiolaris
'orange' ex Jim Duggan
52           Crinum virable                                                                              Mike Lowitz
53           Eucrosia variabile             
54          Nerine bowdenii
55           Amorphophallus pseudoharmandii 'Hot Legs'     
56           Hippeastrum papilio
    small seedling bulbs                          Robert Lauf
57           Drimiopsis maculata
58          Ledebouria  socialis    normal form, clone 1         
59           Ledebouria socialis
   normal form, clone 2 ex. Janet Dowlen         
60           Ledebouria socialis
    'Miner'   a slender form ex. HBG     
61           Ledebouria socialis
   'Paucifolia'  all green           
62           Freesia laxa
ssp laxa                                                                    Judy Wong
63           Lachenalia mutabilis
64           Ixia, white with deep red black center     
65           Babiana pygmaea
(rare now in wild in South Africa)         
66           Cyrtanthus falcatus                                                                    Fred Bisella
67          Arum byzantinum             ex Illahe                                             Robert Parks
68           Arum concinnatum
69          Arum concinnatum
70           Arum concinnatum 'Suspeck'      ex Plant Delights
71           Arum dioscoridis
v. syriacum RP1             
72           Arum dioscoridis
v. syriacum RP2             
73           Arum hygrophyllum         
74           ArumX diotalicum 'Jet Black Wonder'      ex Plant Delights
75           Biarum tenuifolium
v. abbreviatum           ex Illahe
76           Crocus sativus
   ex EasyToGrow
77           Dioscorea elephantipes

78           Gladiolus carmineus
Flower Colors: pink
Climate: winter rain climate
        ex BX478/Judy Wong
79           Gladiolus equitans
Flower Colors: red, orange
Climate: winter rain climate
           ex Dhannon
80           Gonatopus angustus       
81          Ixia maculata
82          Ixia polystachya
'Baby Blue'         
83           Lachenalia quadricolor
84           Lachenalia quadricolor 'Namaqua'           ex Judy Wong/PBS
85          Oxalis flava
(lavender form)         ex Telos
86           Oxalis flava
RP1 ex BX470/MIttner
87          Oxalis flava
v. pectinaria               ex Telos
88           Oxalis glabra
      ex Telos
89           Oxalis hirta
RP1 ex Mittner/PBS
90           Oxalis hirta
91           Oxalis imbricata
ex BX476/Mittner
92           Oxalis massoniana           ex Telos
93          Oxalis melanosticta 'Ken Aslet'   
94           Oxalis morelosii
ex DHannon
95           Oxalis namaquana
RP1   probably same as RP2
96           Oxalis namaquana
RP2   probably same as RP1
97           Oxalis pardalis
MV7632  ex BX482/Mittner
98           Oxalis polyphylla
99           Oxalis polyphylla
v. heptaphylla  ex DHannon
100        Oxalis purpurea
'Rose Pink'         
101       Oxalis purpurea 'Skar'    ex BX467/Mittner
102        Oxalissp. (aff. flava)       
103       Oxalis tenuifolia
104        Oxalis versicolor
105        OxalisX 'Golden Cape'   
106        Oxalis zeekoevleyensis
    ex BX474/Mittner
107        Sinningia tubiflora         ex Telos
108        Sauromatum gianteum                                                               Amy Olmsted
109        Arisaema fargesii            

I have a nice list of things to distribute this BX due to the generosity of our member donors.  Some things are in short supply, but I hope to be able to accommodate everyone's wishes.  When I post the list, I will advise of the items that I only have in ones or twos, so as not to disappoint anyone who responds.

Look for an email (and post here) by Saturday June 24, 10 p.m. EST (PA, USA).  


The donation window for the next 2023 US BX is now open until June 20 (if you need additional time, kindly advise). Please read below carefully, thanks!

I am ready to accept donations of clean, healthy bulbs at this time.  I am not requiring that donors pre-package the donations in ready-to-go packets at this time; I find it easier and more effective to do this myself according to demand and realize not everyone has time to sort and separate, other than species.  I will need you to at least label the bag or box to easily identify the bulbs.

Each donor will be credited the postage for the donation or a minimum of $5.

Feel free to include comments or instructions for your donated items, most of us need some help with new items to our collections.

Kindly send your donations to me at:

Bridget Wosczyna

731 Furnace Road
Morgantown PA 19543

Please be sure to send me an email advising that you have sent the bulbs so that I may keep an eye on my mailbox.

This notice will  be mailed out to the PBS mailing list as well.

Email me at with any questions. 

Thanks in advance!
Bulb and Seed Exchanges / Re: BX 2023 001
April 21, 2023, 08:13:29 PM
Sorry for the omission, Mary Sue.   
Bulb and Seed Exchanges / BX 2023 490 CLOSED
April 21, 2023, 06:19:01 PM
All: Please read this post/email in its entirety prior to ordering so we will have no confusion for ordering and your boxes can get out to you much more quickly?  It will make my job a little easier.

This BX will be open for orders until Wednesday, April 26 at 9:00 p.m. PST

Standard rules apply for this BX:

Kindly review the list below and email me (do not reply to this email) with your request(s) to
I will send a simple acknowledgement of your email.  Should you not have a response from me within a day, please resend.

Be sure to include your full name and current address.

Bulbs are $3 each.  Some of these are only one share and in short supply.

This will be a lottery (however, if you did not receive something last round, kindly advise and I will try to assure some accommodation. Also, if there is something you really are looking to receive, it helps for me to know this as well.)

You must be current in your membership and you must be up-to-date on BX/SX charges. If you are uncertain, feel free to check with Jane McGary or Arnold Trachtenberg.


Payments should no longer be made through the Paypal website due to changes in Paypal policies. PBS must be paid through the PBS website at:
Please be sure to reference BX number above.
You are still free to send payment via check if that is your preference.

No orders to anywhere but the US and (sometimes) Canada can be entertained at this point.  We cannot furnish the appropriate phyto docs to other countries.

Thank you as always to our current donors.

Robert Parks     

               1. Amorphophallusalbus RP1     
               2. Amorphophallus dunnii             
               3. Amorphophallus kachienensis or yunnanensis
               4. Amorphophallus konjac RP? #2             crow stole the label
               5. Amorphophallus konjac RP1 (Swallowtail)         (slightly forked spathe)
               6. Amorphophallus konjac RP2   
               7. Amorphophallus konjac RP4   
               8. Amorphophallus konjac RP5   ex BX473
               9. Amorphophallus konjac RP6g ()             OP konjac seedling division
               10. Amorphophallus konjac RP7
               11. Amorphophallus myosuroides (Green Leaf)   
               12. Arisaemaflava (Yellow #2)   
               13. Begoniasutherlandii                ex Dhannon
               14. Gorgonidium intermedium   
               15. Oxalissp. (Durango) ex Dhannon
               16. Oxalis trollii  ex DHannon
               17. Sauromatumgiganteum RP2               
               18. Sauromatum venosum
Indian Giant 

               19. Sauromatum venosum RP3   ex Jglattstein
               20. Sinningia leucotricha

               21. Typhonium rhizomatosum (AGA 1326-01)

Robert Lauf       

               22.Lachenalia ensifoli
a (pink)     

               23. Lachenalia namaquensis

               24. Drimia uniflora

Mary Sue Ittner
               25. Gloriosa superba
- summer growing 

               26. Hypoxis baurii var. platypetala, syn. Rhodohypoxis baurii var. platypetala- summer growing               
               27. Oxalis callosa
- winter growing           

               28. Oxalis sp. L 96/42  - summer growing, Uli collected in Mexico               
               29. Oxalis triangularis
- evergreen if you keep watering   

               30. Oxalis zeekoevleyensis
- winter growing, but starts into growth early, water July-August when shows signs of life           

               31. Griffinia espritensis   

Judy Wong         

               32.Chasmanthe floribunda

               33. Chasmanthebicolor

Fred Biasella       

               34. Stenomesson(Clinanthus) variegatum yellow form,             
               35. Stenomesson (Clinanthus) red form 
               36.Gloxinia Nematanthodes 'Evita'         

Thank you!
BX 490 will be posted on Friday night (9:00 p.m. EST). and will close on Tuesday, April 25. 
Thank you!

I am in receipt of some nice offerings from our members.  This weekend I will post our first BX for 2023.  I understand that many folks have not yet repotted their winter growers, and anticipate another in May.

Thank you for your continued interest and participation.

I am really looking forward to another stellar year for the BX.


The donation window for the first 2023 US BX is now open until April 17. Please read below carefully.

I am ready to begin accepting donations of clean, healthy bulbs at this time.  I am not asking that folks pre-package the donations in ready-to-go packets at this time; I find it easier and more effective to do this myself according to demand and realize not everyone has time to sort and separate, other than species.  I will need you to at least label the bag or box to easily identify the bulbs.

Each donor will be credited the postage for the donation or a minimum of $5.

Feel free to include comments or instructions for your donated items, most of us need some help with new items to our collection.

Kindly send your donations to me at:

Bridget Wosczyna

731 Furnace Road
Morgantown PA 19543

Please be sure to send me an email advising that you have sent the bulbs so that I may keep an eye on my mailbox.

This notice will  be mailed out to the PBS mailing list as well.

Email me at with any questions.  

Thanks in advance!


I wanted to send out a notice that soon I will be asking for donations for the first 2023 BX.  I anticipate opening the donation window in early April for a distribution in early May.  Last year was stellar for donations and I surely hope we have as many generous donors and happy members in receipt of incredible material.

While you are repotting and looking at that overabundance of your bulbs, please consider sending along extras for the Exchange. We cannot do it without or generous members!

If you have questions, please feel free to reply here or email me privately at

Many thanks, as always,

Bulb Exchange Manager, Vice President
General Discussion / Re: PBS Instagram Page News
March 13, 2023, 06:50:46 PM
Martin, I'm a little envious of your "in between" status.  I am tied to social media as I am .... social.  So many of my connections with people evolved with it.  I don't have any issues with FaceBook and Instagram as I judiciously guard my privacy settings and since I've seen ads forever, I literally don't even "see" them any longer - I just keep scrolling.  In my case I'm able take what I like from social media and have the ability to just glide away when I need a break, etc.  
It is a conundrum, as it is built to pull you back in for those likes, comments and "validation".  I simply use it as a tool to show my pretty plants to my friends and to advocate for joining bulb societies.  

Thanks for including the link!  I believe I simply assumed it would go one of two ways: persons who use Instagram would know that the @pacificbulbsociety would get them where they needed to go and everyone else would roll their eyes and say: nope.  

We've got a few dozen followers already.  Good start.

General Discussion / PBS Instagram Page News
March 12, 2023, 08:14:49 PM
Hello everyone;

It was recently agreed that PBS would begin to forge a larger presence on social media.  To that end, I will be handling the recently created Instagram account. 

I'm excited to announce this today to our members and persons on the list that I have made our first post.

If you wish to follow, you need only search Pacific Bulb Society on the Insta app and you can begin to follow our account.  Be advised that I intend to keep the page "private" at this point so the page is not spammed. I will have to approve anyone who wishes to follow the page, if you intend to follow as a business and not an individual, kindly send me an email to let me know and I will accept your request.  Otherwise, we'd be seeing all kinds of offers in post responses and I assure you, some of them can get strange and irritating.  

I wanted to personally thank our member Zeon for grabbing the @PacificBulbSociety address so that we can utilize the PBS name as the place to find the page. He created an account when the idea was floated several weeks ago and he was gracious enough to hand the account over to me when I asked him to do so.  It was quick thinking on his part as often others may already be using the name when you try to create a new account.  For this I am very grateful; we have our name in full on the account and searches for our page will be very easy. 

I am keenly aware that not everyone participates in social media.  I'm not going to encourage anyone to do so if they are not inclined.  That's totally fine!

The Instagram account will simply be a page with nice pictures and minimal information on bulbs/flowers/tubers/corms/plants.  It will be an avenue for people to find PBS and hopefully help us grow our membership.  It will not have loads of information.  It will have a link to the membership in the bio.  The Insta account should only be considered a complement to our Wiki and the Forum. Instagram was not created for long discussions or deep-dives: it's basically eye-candy to promote interest in whatever subject is posted.  

Do you have something cool or interesting flowering or growing in your bulb garden?  Feel free to send me a few pictures privately and the name of the plant you're submitting.  We will not be getting in-depth with these posts since we have the most valuable tool already, our Wiki, which I also intend to promote. 

Feel free to email me privately with questions as I don't wish everyone to be overwhelmed with a thread in their in boxes.  I'm really looking forward to PBS having more of a presence on social media.  We need to encourage beginners and younger people as well as more experienced plant folks around the globe to join us in our passion of growing bulbs.

Thanks for your time,
Vice-President/Bulb Exchange Manager
General Discussion / Re: Zephyranthes and winter storage
November 25, 2022, 02:04:22 PM
I have kept mine in both growth (occasional water in my frost-free barn with a little light) and also completely dormant in cool, dark conditions.  I find they jump into growth more readily with even the minimal attention of a few light waterings and little light.  
Uli's recommendation is spot on.  