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Mystery Bulbs / Re: Mystery Irid
Last post by Martin Bohnet - July 11, 2024, 03:35:06 PM
foliage identical is not really an issue - that' t true for almost everything in that tribe.
Mystery Bulbs / Re: Mystery Irid
Last post by Randy Linke - July 11, 2024, 06:44:00 AM
Thank you Martin, I believe that is it.  I will probably be able to confirm it next year as I have another pot of seedlings planted at the same time but none of them look like they are large enough to bloom this year.  The foliage is identical as well.
Current Photographs / Re: July 2024
Last post by petershaw - July 11, 2024, 06:30:55 AM
I saw my first one's in bloom on a walk yesterday, had to look at my calendar to remind myself its early July. Costal Central CA
Bulb and Seed Exchanges / Re: SX 16 NOW OPEN
Last post by SCS - July 10, 2024, 04:31:52 PM
Thanks Ron, I will email in private.

Bulb and Seed Exchanges / Re: SX 16 NOW OPEN
Last post by Ron - July 10, 2024, 03:34:31 PM
Here are more details on my submissions:

21  Chasmanthe floribunda - yellow flowered version, open pollinated

37  Gossypium species - cotton seed - not at all an attractive plant, but interesting to grow once, to see:  how difficult it is to remove the cotton from its protective covering (the boll) with its sharp edges;  how dense the resulting ball of cotton is;  how difficult it is to remove the seeds from the cotton, hence the need for the cotton gin.  A history lesson in one plant.  Plant in ground in late spring (does not like cold).
Mystery Bulbs / Re: Mystery Irid
Last post by Martin Bohnet - July 10, 2024, 11:21:42 AM
Quote from: Randy Linke on July 10, 2024, 09:22:42 AMthe foliage is pleated.

Pleated foliage -> Tribus Tigridieae, no Neomarica. I'd go for Phalocallis coelestis - it's common in trade, sometimes as cypella coelestis or cypella gigantea
Mystery Bulbs / Re: Mystery Irid
Last post by Randy Linke - July 10, 2024, 09:22:42 AM
The flower is about 8 cm across and the foliage is pleated.  This is the first year it has bloomed from seed planted last year.  It bloomed earlier, about two weeks ago, but the flowers were not as developed.  Height of the inflorescence is about 20cm, but again, this is the first year it has bloomed.
Current Photographs / Re: July 2024
Last post by Randy Linke - July 10, 2024, 09:17:23 AM
Very early in my experience.  I have never seen an Amaryllis belladonna bloom earlier than the latter half of August.
Current Photographs / Re: July 2024
Last post by Uli - July 10, 2024, 07:31:55 AM
Isn't this a bit early? I have the first Amaryllis belladonna hybrid in flower. It was seed grown from a large number of seed I got from William Welsh in 2017.
PBS Members Affairs / BX arrears
Last post by Arnold - July 10, 2024, 07:15:14 AM
With the arrival of the very large South African Bulb Company order getting closer,   I'd like to ask all of our members to bring their past due amounts up to date.

BX 496 was recently mailed and it looks like all the packages have been delivered.

Our president and BX Director, Bridget will be very busy distributing the order.

Orders will be pre-paid.

Once the bulbs are safely in her grasp I will send out a bill notice to all those who have ordered.

Payments must be made prior to bulbs being shipped.

You will receive a slip for the amount due only for local postage from Bridget to your address of record.

If you aren't sure of any past due amounts please contact me at