pbs Digest, Vol 91, Issue 7

peter shaw via pbs pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net
Sun, 15 Sep 2024 11:24:55 PDT
I checked mine since I use paypal to pay for all my PBS transactions.

I belong to half a dozen organizations, some of which have due dates based
on enrollment date. So sometimes it's hard to remember which
associations need payment when.

I guess I never thought my brain couldn't keep up with this but I now need
to make another list of all more things I need to remember, 😀


On Sun, Sep 15, 2024 at 11:04 AM Mike <mike.lowitz@gmail.com> wrote:

> Peter,
> I agree with you wholeheartedly on the amount of work that Bridget and
> many others do to grow and ship bulbs and seeds.   You are correct that any
> extra work is an added burden.  The question becomes, why would any member
> knowing all this need a reminder? These are bulbs/seeds  you can’t get
> anywhere else, and even if you could certainly not for the price paid here,
> we are so fortunate.   We have a great opportunity here to share knowledge
> and plants.  If everyone could check  today and make sure they are current.
> Saving  all the volunteers who passionately keep our group afloat from
> taking time away from their families and various interests. Everyone’s time
> is valuable.
> Have a great Sunday, check your invoices or ask for a refreshed one. It
> would be great if by the end of September we could all be current with
> SX/BX payments as we head into the busy holiday season.
> Happy Growing….. I’ve got to replant a bunch of the amazing Lachenalia
> I’ve gotten from past BX! I hope I have some to send in for the next BX.
> Mike
> Cloudy and Cool finally, San Diego
> On Sun, Sep 15, 2024 at 10:36 AM peter shaw via pbs <
> pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net> wrote:
>> I also want to thank Bridget for the incredible job of collecting,
>> sorting,
>> counting, conducting the lottery, packaging, printing labels and sending
>> them off. Wow, what a lot of careful work.
>> Also, a big thanks to everyone that donated bulbs, I always love to add a
>> few new ones to my overcrowded collection.
>> Perhaps rather than shaming them or (me), a Bcc email to those might be
>> enough? I have no idea how many there are but public shaming will take
>> just
>> a long to compile the list.
>> peter
>> On Sun, Sep 15, 2024 at 5:00 AM <pbs-request@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net
>> >
>> wrote:
>> > Send pbs mailing list submissions to
>> >         pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net
>> >
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>> >         pbs-request@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net
>> >
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>> >
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>> > than "Re: Contents of pbs digest..."
>> > List-Post:<mailto:pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net
>> > List-Archive:<http://www.pacificbulbsociety.org/list.php
>> > Today's Topics:
>> >
>> >    1. Arrears in US BX and SX - general request. (Bridget Wosczyna)
>> >    2. Re: Arrears in US BX and SX - general request. (Robert Lauf)
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> > From: Bridget Wosczyna <bulbexpbs@gmail.com>
>> > To: pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net
>> > Cc:
>> > Bcc:
>> > Date: Sat, 14 Sep 2024 11:46:38 -0400
>> > Subject: [pbs] Arrears in US BX and SX - general request.
>> > I hope everyone is having a pleasant weekend. It's a glorious autumn
>> day in
>> > Southeastern Pennsylvania.
>> >
>> > I am reaching out today concerning outstanding share fees for recent
>> > exchanges. I thank each of you who are current. Unfortunately, we have
>> more
>> > than a few members who have balances due.  We'd like to address the
>> issue
>> > generally and help them become current. We are of course sensitive to
>> the
>> > fact that folks put the fee slip aside and get distracted. Life gets in
>> the
>> > way, absolutely, and the slip is forgotten.
>> >
>> > We are able to have these wonderful exchanges due to the extraordinary
>> time
>> > volunteered by both the donating membership and the board members who
>> > organize and distribute same. In the past, we have made an effort to
>> > contact each member directly and ask them to bring their accounts
>> current.
>> > This is no longer feasible due to the amount of members who are not
>> paying
>> > their exchange fees timely, or who do not pay until prompted. We will no
>> > longer be sending out emails requesting payment. We trust our members to
>> > pay for their exchange shares and know a friendly reminder today will
>> help
>> > further along the need for timely payment going forward.
>> >
>> > We appreciate your understanding in this matter as time spent tracking
>> down
>> > payments is not an effective use of volunteer time.
>> >
>> > If you think that you may have outstanding fees, please contact
>> Arnold.  If
>> > you know you have fees that you haven't paid, kindly do so at your
>> earliest
>> > opportunity.
>> >
>> > We wish everyone to have a pleasant and fulfilling experience with the
>> > exchanges, including our members who organize them.  Attention to
>> > outstanding fees will make things a bit smoother.
>> >
>> > Thanks so much,
>> > Bridget
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> > From: Robert Lauf <boblauf@att.net>
>> > To: Bridget Wosczyna via pbs <pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net>
>> > Cc:
>> > Bcc:
>> > Date: Sat, 14 Sep 2024 16:32:45 +0000 (UTC)
>> > Subject: Re: [pbs] Arrears in US BX and SX - general request.
>> >  A big thanks are due, as always, to Bridget and the donors.  As usual,
>> > there were a lot of great things to be had in the recent BX.
>> > Perhaps listing the names and amounts past due on the list serve would
>> be
>> > a way to induce better behavior.  Public shaming might seem like the
>> > nuclear option, but if we have a large number of folks who are making
>> more
>> > useless work for our volunteers, their behavior is pretty inexcusable.
>> > Calling them out once might get their attention.
>> > Bob    gorgeous weather in Zone 7
>> >
>> >
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