US BX 497 Update and ready to ship

Bridget Wosczyna via pbs
Sun, 08 Sep 2024 22:06:40 PDT

Thanks for another exciting BX.  I have the boxes ready to go and they will
be dropped at the post office tomorrow.

We had enthusiastic participation for this BX here in the US, both in
donations and requests.

This US BX saw 66 members make requests.  Everyone was allotted at least
something they were hoping for.  This pleases me as the US BX manager in
that I never want any member to not get at least one or two things they
request.  Some shares are small, a few bulbs, some are just one, if only
one or two were donated.  Some of you will receive a share with a dozen if
the donation was sufficient to warrant a bulging little packet.

We had a three-way tie for the most desirable item: tropaeolum tricolor,
erythronium multiscapideum 'Cliftonii' and colchicum cilicicum were the
three most requested.  The nerine and arum offered were very hot as well.

It brings great satisfaction when the boxes are all labeled, the tracking
spreadsheet complete and the boxes ready to go (although I believe it makes
my husband happier that the dining room table is visible once again and
there are no boxes on the floor).

What makes *me *happy is to not have any leftover bulbs.  And so it is -
there's nothing I have to offer as a grab bag as everything went.

If you participated, thank you.  We cannot do this amazing service without
our donors and as ever, we are appreciative of each of our expert and hobby
growers who sustain our desire for a new little something to grow.

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