Cameron McMaster's Farmer's Weekly articles

Erin Grace via pbs
Tue, 21 May 2024 13:10:15 PDT
Wonderful! Thank you for all the time and effort that took! What a
fantastic resource!
Erin Grace

On Tue, May 21, 2024 at 10:33 AM Mary Sue Ittner via pbs <> wrote:

> Rhoda McMaster has kindly shared with us the articles Cameron wrote
> between 2007 and 2009 for Farmer's Weekly about many South African bulbs
> so we could archive them and they would be available to download. I've
> spent a lot of time adding them to the wiki and linking them to the wiki
> pages of the genera, family, or species he was writing about. The pdf
> files are really good quality since they are the originals and the
> information is informative and interesting and the photos spectacular.
> Cameron hoped to educate farmers about the wonderful bulbs they might
> find on their properties in the hope that they would be protected and
> conserved. You can find these articles here:
> And there is a link too on the archive page.
> David has informed me that some people have already found them. We are
> grateful that these articles can have wider distribution.
> Mary Sue
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