Autumnal bulbs in other regions

Jane McGary via pbs
Wed, 06 Oct 2021 15:55:47 PDT
Here in the "cool Mediterranean" region of the US Pacific Northwest, we 
are enjoying the flowers of the autumnal bulbs that do well here: 
primarily, certain species and cultivars of Colchicum, Crocus, Cyclamen, 
Acis, and Sternbergia. I was thinking of writing an article on fall 
bulbs for the Bulb Garden, but I don't know what genera and species 
flower at this season in gardens elsewhere. South African species? The 
irids and amaryllids favored in the US Southeast? I've seen at least one 
lovely display of Nerine in Portland in October, though I haven't tried 
it. Would anyone like to contribute to an article that covers a broader 
range of bulbs for September through December?

Jane McGary

Portland, Oregon, USA

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