Invasive Aroid

Patience Davis via pbs
Tue, 11 May 2021 10:06:50 PDT
Hi Robert. If you figure that one out, I'd sure like to know the answer. Every year there are more of them on my property and right now they are sending up their extremely seedy middle stalks...the above ground monsters. Each year I go about the place yanking them out but I am getting so crippled I can't do it well now so imagine they'll just have to fight it out with the rest of the weeds brought in by birds and wind and also from buying dirt because they are hardy in soil and don't die when dirt is baked.. or is it?? Ha. All I know is I sure don't want those tops to explode above ground! Two years ago somehow a reddish-purple clover looking weed found me and the little yellow flowers seem to spray everywhere but they also have little bulbs underground that grow from every root. All I can say is thank you Lord for the hearty bulbs I've intentionally planted that come up faithfully if they can make it through the weedy plants. Good luck and yanking those shoots daily!! Patience (Leba
 non, Oregon)

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From: pbs <> on behalf of Robert Lauf via pbs <>
Sent: Tuesday, May 11, 2021 9:24 AM
To: Pacific Bulb Society <>
Cc: Robert Lauf <>
Subject: [pbs] Invasive Aroid

Some years ago, I was hybridizing Pinellia tripartita and bought a presumed natural hybrid, Pinellia 'Polly Spout, which was billed as sterile so it doesn't volunteer.  Tragically, my plant failed to read the marketing literature and has now taken over part of my yard and clearly intends to take over the neighborhood.  It seems to be impervious to multiple applications of Roundup.  I called the Air National Guard to see if I could request an air strike with some Agent Orange, but they balked (OK that was a joke).  Digging is a fool's errand because bulblets can break off and pop up later.
If anyone knows how to eradicate this horrible weed, I'm all ears.
Bob  E Tenn
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