Invasive Aroid

Robert Lauf via pbs
Tue, 11 May 2021 09:24:44 PDT
Some years ago, I was hybridizing Pinellia tripartita and bought a presumed natural hybrid, Pinellia 'Polly Spout, which was billed as sterile so it doesn't volunteer.  Tragically, my plant failed to read the marketing literature and has now taken over part of my yard and clearly intends to take over the neighborhood.  It seems to be impervious to multiple applications of Roundup.  I called the Air National Guard to see if I could request an air strike with some Agent Orange, but they balked (OK that was a joke).  Digging is a fool's errand because bulblets can break off and pop up later.
If anyone knows how to eradicate this horrible weed, I'm all ears.
Bob  E Tenn
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