R: In love with Lycoris
ang.por--- via pbs (Mon, 28 Sep 2020 00:25:36 PDT)
To Kelly, I think your observation about the hours of chilling is correct. While in my area we get little frosts, nightime temps in January and February are in the range 0°-5°C (32-42 F) so there is enough chilling. By converse, many British folks report a total failure in growing any species due to the lack of enough summer warm. The only species I had no success was sanguinea, which slowly shrink and died after few years.To Uli, no I don't water any species at all, I leaves them to natural rains and flowering time can vary from mid August to early October, only squamigera will flower mid late July, rain or not. This year it hasn't rained for all summer and only past days we got the first rains and now I have mass flowering of radiata, elsiae and aurea the big type.Angelo
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