Eucomis in Fall
Robert Lauf via pbs (Sat, 21 Nov 2020 20:49:26 PST)
This year I had quite a number of late and reblooming Eucomis (they normally bloom around June-July in my yard). Thought I would share a few pictures of our recent introduction, 'Colorful Comet'.
The first pic is the plant reblooming. I had divided and moved it fairly late; it bloomed on one growth in the normal season and this new flush came along later. Obviously the rest of the plant looks pretty ratty as it heads toward dormancy, but well established and in season, it is tall and very architectural and we like the contrast between the dark stalk and paler flowers.
The second shows a very informal arrangement I put together with some reblooming iris that decided to make a spectacular set of blooms. The plant is 'Belvi Queen' and normally blooms off and on all summer. This summer was very dry and it wasn't where I could conveniently water it, so summer blooms were sparse but it made up for it when fall arrived. I don't claim to be any good at flower arranging, but this will make a nice simple centerpiece for Thanksgiving. The Eucomis will continue to bloom in the vase and will probably still be going in January.
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