BX 466

Luminita Vollmer via pbs pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net
Fri, 29 May 2020 14:03:30 PDT
Dear all
Another offering for the PBS Xchange.
I need to recap one more time the procedures for obtaining an offering.
Please follow so I can send them to you expeditiously.

1. Write a new email to the following address:


2. Type in the Subject line    BX 466 - that way I can find all the
requests quickly.

3. In the e-mail Include the Number of the offering, the Botanical name and
your regular mail address.

Starting today May 29, 4pm CT - you have until Jun 1, 5pm CT to respond.

BX 466

Francisco Lopez Torres -

1. Anemone coronaria - mix , seeds

2. Hespero huilanese - seeds

3. Pancratium foetidum - seeds

4. Tigridia pavonia - seeds

5. Iris ensata - seeds

Rimmer deVries

6. Albuca polyphylla - bulbs

7. Climanthus incarnatus “yellow” - bulb offsets

8. Cyrtanthus sanguineus - bulb offsets

Good luck to all

Luminita Vollmer
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