Dear all We have a quick special xchange starting right now - Wed Aug 18, 8:30 am CST through Sat Aug 21 12:00 noon. Only a few items and few of each - I don't want anyone's expectations to go high, I will randomization, only requests from the US. Please do not reply to this message. Write a new message to e-mail below and include your name, address, and item you want. Bern Mlynczak 1. Ficus petiolaris (5 items, $5.00 ea) - plant, 10in high 2. Veltheimea bracteata, pink form (2 items) - bulbs 1-2in diam 3. Veltheimea bracteata, yellow form (2 items) - bulbs 1-2in diam 4. Rauhia multiflora, winter dormant (2 items) - bulbs 1-2in diam 5. Haemanthus deformis, summer dormant (2) - bulbs 1-2in diam Michael Lowitz 6. Euphorbia Namuskluftensis (15, $5.00 ea) From Namibia enjoys bright indirect light maybe some morning sun and form a Caudex. A dwarf non spiny species with small yellow flowers. Need very quick draining soils to thrive Thank you and Good luck, Luminita Vollmer PBS X Mgr _______________________________________________ pbs mailing list…