Trading on pbs

Jane McGary via pbs
Sun, 16 Aug 2020 08:53:45 PDT
What is proposed here is a matter of personal choice, and I think it's a 
legitimate use of the PBS forum. However, I find that people often 
request something I've mentioned at a time of year when shipping a 
dormant plant would be impossible, and I lose track of who has requested 
it by midsummer, when I could lift some. In addition, I have had 
requests for very rare or difficult plants that I've posted on the wiki, 
some of which I no longer have, and with regret I have to answer these 
too. (Please don't mention Crocus moabiticus to me again.)

It is also well to point out that when one has spent a good deal of 
energy and shipping expense to send plants, the recipient should not 
fail to follow through with a promised exchange.

Jane McGary, Portland, Oregon, USA

On 8/16/2020 8:04 AM, Robert Lauf via pbs wrote:
>   I support this idea with gusto.  I often have a single piece of something and it doesn't seem efficient to expect the BX to go to all the trouble of listing a single item, and divisions are often too big anyway.  I just thinned my Sauromatum venosum and have a few hundred bulbs, some of which are the size of a softball.  These probably aren't sufficiently exotic or hard to grow to be of interest to our more experienced (or jaded) members, but newbies might enjoy one.  It's just one example.
> Jim is right.  Post a simple message that begins:I have some .......and/orI'm looking for ....
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