Selfing Brunsvigia namaquana

Bruce Schroder
Sat, 27 Jul 2019 10:24:33 PDT
Although I have not tried with this species, my experience with other
Brunsvigia sp is that they will produce some seed if selfed but are far
more productive if a second clone is used.

They also seem to be very productive when crossed with another species.   2
years ago I religiously  selfed my B bosmaniae & only produced a couple of
seeds.  Last year I put pollen from B josephinae onto the B bosmaniae & got
copious amounts of seed.  This year I put pollen of B littoralis onto the B
bosmaniae & once again got copious amounts of seed.  At the same time, I
also cross pollinated the 2 clones of  B littoralis & got copious seeds
from both clones.

I am yet to flower B namaquana but have some very promising 5 year old seed
grown bulbs & various others from a number of different locations that are
still a number of years off flowering size.  I just love their leaves &
flowering will be a bonus!

Bruce Schroder - Melbourne, Australia
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