Mystery bulb about to bloom
M Gastil-Buhl (Thu, 18 Apr 2019 17:42:08 PDT)
Thank you to the PBS list for helping me identify my bulb. It is verified
as Stenomesson pearcei. The first flower bud is open in the photo I just
added to the Mystery Bulbs page. Soon I will be moving the photos over to
the wiki page for that species.
A few notes about this plant. Apparently for some it is a challenge to
bloom, and it did wait many years to first bloom for me. So I will
speculate what caused this. Last October I dug it up and potted it, and
accidentally left a few bulbs behind. The ones still in the ground did not
bloom. So the disturbance may have prompted bloom. Or it could be that the
soil in the pot experienced more chill than in the ground, although I did
plunge the pot half way in a sand bed. We did have chill this winter, but
have had other winters, so I doubt chill alone is the bloom factor. Or it
could be the dug up bulbs dried out more, or were exposed to warmer air
than those left in the ground.
The university green house collection wants some back since they lost
theirs. It strikes me that this is a case of keeping by giving, since that
is where I got mine years ago. And one PBS member has spoken for some. The
remainder will go to the BX when dormant.
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