
Sat, 24 Mar 2018 01:21:08 PDT
Hi Mary Sue et al,

> Taxonomic changes are being made all the time. There are still a few 
> that are based on morphology, but the majority seem to be based on 
> dna. And there are variations of how elaborate or carefully done that 
> may be.

I personally think the time of morphology is over, there are whole 
orders that can't be explained with that, just think of the 
Malphigiales... i mean Hypericaceae and Passifloraceae ok, but 
Salicaceae and Violaceae in that same order? that still sound wild. On 
the other hand, the concept of parallel evolution to fit into the same 
niche sounds logical to me.

> Our wiki now has been in existence a number of years. There are only a 
> few volunteers who are actively involved.
I can only invite more people - it is NOT complicated, and the core team 
(currently David Pilling, Mary Sue, Mike Mace, Nhu and myself) can help 
you around the first difficulties.

>  Plants of the World Online I suspect one day will be the reference 
> people go to. They are constantly uploading more information to it:
> But you will still find people who are using old names or who do not 
> agree.
I'm not happy with that new website - on a real computer, the plant list 
is a lot easier to navigate. As someone who thinks of smart phones (or 
cell phones in general) as a curse i hope for the return to a scientific 
form. That said, they seem to be on a good way with their content, 
passing my personal "litmus test" in not accepting the color forms of 
Tigridia pavonia...

Southern Germany
Likely zone 7a

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