Oncicyclus Irises

arcangelo wessells arcangelow@gmail.com
Mon, 26 Mar 2018 12:56:56 PDT
I also have recently started to grow some of these Iris. Just this fall, in
I bought seeds from Seeds of Peace, oronperi@gmail.com
Send an email to request the seed list, which comes out in July.
I found a very helpful article on germination by Bob Nold via the SRGC:
I planted in late November and leaves came up a month later. I figured I
have dry summers so they should work outside and I will try them in a sand

Arcangelo Wessells
Vallejo CA

Paeonia mascula ssp. russoi just finishing. I am waiting for Paeonia clusii
and Alstroemeria werdermannii to open in upcoming warm weather after a fair
amount of rain.
Hi I recently discovered this amazing flowers, and I would like some advice
about seed sources and how to avoid the viruses, that usually come with the
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