Vancouver area-bulb sites of interest? Last two weeks of April

Brian Whyer via pbs
Sun, 11 Mar 2018 11:23:05 PDT
Hi Paul
If you look at the PBS archive for February 2007 you will see I asked more or less the same question, and the answers I had at that time. I spent a week on Vancouver Island, a week in Vancouver city, and a week touring down into the USA west coast. (Too rushed I know but a great visit) I had local friends in BC so helpful, but not necessarily plant knowledgeable.
In the city area I found the VanDusen garden good, lots of Trilliums, although not all west coast from memory. The UBC garden was interesting. The south shore of False Creek had good municipal type gardens towards Granville Island. (Good market and food) The Chinese garden in the old town was worth a visit if that interests you.
Only passed through Victoria on the island so can't comment on that area but you can reach it by the ferry. With only public transport I doubt you could visit the other places on Vancouver Island I went to, at least with limited time.
You can check out the weather here Telemark Systems Kat Kam at any time. It's the bridge at the west end of False Creek.
Brian Whyer, UK
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Telemark Systems Kat Kam
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      From: Paul Tropheus <>
 To: "" <> 
 Sent: Sunday, 11 March 2018, 14:29
 Subject: [pbs] Vancouver area-bulb sites of interest? Last two weeks of April
I am planning a trip to the Vancouver area of Canada at the last two weeks of April.

I am wondering where the best gardens, parks or other areas might be to see native bulbs in situ, or other bulbs in blossom from various parts of the world at that time for that matter.

Would be great to hear any ideas or suggestions, Im probably limited by public transport too.

Many thanks

all the best

Paul, Scotland, UK.

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