
ds429 ds429@frontier.com
Sun, 01 Oct 2017 12:47:21 PDT
Yes, it is time for Dell to retire! Someone(s) need(s) to take over, by the end of 2017. I'm worn out.

On Sun, 10/1/17, Jack and Val <vkmyrick@pacbell.net> wrote:

 Subject: Re: [pbs] Bulbs
 To: "Pacific Bulb Society" <pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net>
 Date: Sunday, October 1, 2017, 2:51 PM
 Dell, Robin and All,
 Dell does a very efficient and
 prompt job as far as I can tell from the receiving end.  He
 lets me know that my order has been received, for example. 
 That puts
 my mind at ease each time.  Then
 the order is received about a week later.  I figure Dell
 has made the process as streamlined as possible under his
 current operating conditions.
 The only thing
 I could guess that could be done to help is to have
 different responsible parties do the seeds and bulbs.  Dell
 may already be doing that.  Dell, are your helpers also
 PBS members?  I think I’m the only one in my
 area but am not sure.  
 Thanks to Dell and all of you who make the PBS
 such a great organization.  You all put so much time and
 dedication into this group.
 Sonora, CA , N. CA near
 On Sep 30, 2017, at 1:50 PM, Hansen Nursery
 > Dell, 
 > On just one BX you
 send out 150 shares?  And SXs are bigger than that?  What
 an incredible job!  And I think you do this on average once
 a week year-round.  You've also been doing this for 14
 years or more, if I'm correct?  You have a right to
 retire or step back.  PBS Folks, I think it's time Dell
 had some more and reliable help or at least allow him to
 > May I
 put forth a request for ideas on how to streamline this
 process to make it less onerous?  I'm sure this has
 been brought up for discussion before, and it's time to
 get serious about this situation.  Dell has done this
 without pay as an incredibly generous donation of time and
 probably money, too for a very long time.  Please, folks,
 step forward and offer ideas, help or whatever you can.  We
 owe this to Dell in particular but to all volunteers who
 keep this organization running.
 > My best regards,
 > Robin
 > Hansen
 > robin@hansennursery.com
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