Peacock Moraea

James Waddick
Sun, 15 Oct 2017 09:09:30 PDT
Hi Mike,

	Sorry I am so slow. I was asking for a friend. Last week I gave a program on ‘the Iris Family’ and includied some’stolen Moreaa pix' from the PBS web site. Were thiose yours? Of course the audience OOhed and AAHed. A couple came up and asked where they could get corms. I admitted I never tried them before.  So many S. Africans are tricky here as winter growers. I grew M.pokystacha years ago and it came through a couple winters and even bloomed, but cold event ually got it. These would be pot items in the GH.

	If you have a few nicely colored forms of M villosa I’d be glad to give them a try and share with my local iris club memebrs. I try to keep them excited by anything other than Tall Bearded iris. !!

	Let me know wht you have and prices. Be glad to repay postage costs.  I also have some S. African oddds and ends bulbs I’d be glad to aehome if yo’d like a list, but nothing very exciting I fear.

		Best and thanks		Jim W. 

On Oct 13, 2017, at 6:44 PM, Michael Mace <> wrote:

Hi, Jim.

Your timing is astoundingly good. It'll start raining here in a few weeks,
and after that I can't dig anything. But there's still time now. Drop me a
note privately and let me know what you need. FYI, when I supply bulbs
outside the BX, I usually ask if you'll make a donation to PBS so we're not
undercutting the exchange.

BTW, I am also hoping to supply some nice M. villosa corms to the BX this
fall, assuming there is interest...


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Dr. James Waddick
8871 NW Brostrom Rd
Kansas City, MO 64152-2711
Phone     816-746-1949

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