A useful cooling nights website

Bracey Tiede tiede@pacbell.net
Thu, 12 Oct 2017 15:55:06 PDT
Hi Norman,

Mike Mace and Lee Poulson, PBS members, have already done the research and analysis.


San Jose CA USA

-----Original Message-----
From: pbs [mailto:pbs-bounces@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net] On Behalf Of Norman Woollons
Sent: Thursday, October 12, 2017 11:53 AM
To: Pacific Bulb Society
Subject: [pbs] A useful cooling nights website

I am trying to grow plants and bulbs on an island in the Adriatic Sea - the
original Mediterranean climate, except my plot is on a north facing slope
in a thermal belt.  But I have my own weather station, reporting to

I recently came across a very useful website, which takes weather data sets
from Wunderground stations and then produces warming or cooling
hours/degree days for you in a format of your choice.


You identify your location, select one or several stations nearby, choose
your temperature and format and the website works the magic for you.

I can see this would be advantageous to growers, who like me, are
experimenting with what I can grow in my microclimate.

Now I want to find a programme that will match the climate here to other
stations; Chile, WA, So. California, SA all come to mind...

This week's "*Life in a Dol house*" Blog: *https://goo.gl/D0P8Iu/
*Ovaj tjedan "**Život u kući Dol" **Blog:  * *https://goo.gl/D0P8Iu/
The natural year in Dol: :  *https://goo.gl/8TxpSs/ <https://goo.gl/8TxpSs/>*
The weather today in* Dol *:
*https://goo.gl/3aRJ2c/ <https://goo.gl/3aRJ2c/> <https://goo.gl/3aRJ2c/>*
*Vrijeme danas u Dol: **https://goo.gl/3aRJ2c/ <https://goo.gl/3aRJ2c/>*
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