Western Lily (L. occidentale)

Jane McGary janemcgary@earthlink.net
Fri, 18 Nov 2016 18:56:20 PST
JoeJoe wrote:

"I'm having a hard time getting information about taking care of L.
> occidentale. I haven't obtained bulbs of this species yet (still looking),
> but I received a seed package from Chiltern nursery and information of
> growing hypogeal liliums. However, what are the natural conditions of this
> beautiful lily?"
 From Edward McRae, /"Lilium" /in /Bulbs of North America:
/"It occurs in the coastal zone from northern California to Southern 
Oregon, growing in the drier parts of sphagnum bogs. It may be submerged 
during the wetter months but dried out to some extent in mid to late 
summer. The water in these bogs is moving, not stagnant. Cultivation can 
be attempted in lime-free loam enriched with leafmold and peat. ... They 
demand their own natural environment.... This species is threatened in 
the wild by the encroachment of trees, which shade it excessively."

In short, unless you are successfully growing its pals /Cypripedium 
californicum /and /Darlingtonia californica, /you probably don't have a 
good spot for it in the garden. The fresh, slowly moving, lime-free 
water is probably a prerequisite. This beautiful lily can be seen in 
dedicated preserves near the Oregon coast.

Jane McGary
Portland, Oregon, (formerly) USA

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