Romulea engleri ?

Mary Sue Ittner
Wed, 30 Mar 2016 15:25:31 PDT
Hi Rimmer,

If you looked at my pictures on the wiki of the Romulea rosea that is 
weedy you would have seen that they are very similar to what you are 
growing. That is why I went to the trouble of giving you more specifics 
to help you make a decision and why photos can be a difficult way to 
identify species. I was hoping someone might tell us how Romulea engleri 
and Romulea rosea differ, but no one has spoken up, nor has anyone 
provided more specific information about how to identify Romulea 
engleri. Maybe there aren't as many people interested in the flora of 
northwest Africa as they are in the flora of South Africa.

Mary Sue

On 3/30/2016 12:43 PM, Rimmer deVries wrote:
> So it appears we have two names for the same plant
> It looks like Romulea  engleri= Romulea rosea
> Rimmer
>> On Mar 29, 2016, at 8:12 AM, wrote:
>> Here's an image of Romulea monticola.
>> and Romulea engleri
>> Romulea rosea
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