Cleaning cactus seed

Leo Martin
Tue, 29 Mar 2016 12:06:49 PDT
Jane wrote.

> Some seed cleaning can be fairly
> unpleasant, like the cactus seeds I
> once had to clean in a hotel room in
> Argentina; they were covered in a
> sticky gel-like substance. (I still
> have the cactus.)

Congratulations on the plant.

In the future, try putting the gel containing the seeds (actually composed
of umbilical cords connecting the seeds to the ovary placenta) into a dirty
sock. Rinse it and squeeze it under a running faucet. Add some soap.
Continue until the goo be gone. The following day, roll up the car window
on the sock, hanging outside the window. It will air-dry as you drive.

Leo Martin
Zone ?
Phoenix Arizona USA

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