Photos of native bees and honeybees on native and nonnative plants in Oregon

Travis O
Tue, 05 Jul 2016 06:02:59 PDT

The following is a link to a variety of photos of Oregon native bees and honeybees on Oregon native and nonnative plants (some bulbs, too), with some cynical commentary on the subject.…

Surely I'll be preaching to the choir when I say that something must be done to help the pollinators. I feel it is necessary to reduce the problem to an economic issue, hence my reference to a Xerces Society study (Losey et al. 2006) estimating $57 billion in ecological services provided by insects annually (including pest reduction by predatory/parasitoid insects), since it is clear that economy is more important than environment in the minds of many. Conservation needs to become a profitable endeavor on a scale much larger than is currently possible.

Travis Owen
Rogue River, OR

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