A couple of seed-grown colchicums are flowering for the first time this fall. The labels have gone awol, as labels go, but I'm pretty sure the bigger one (not very big, however) is supposed to be Colchicum cupanii and the smaller one Colchicum umbrosum. But there's a mystery: I have a patch of (supposed) Colchicum corsicum, and it is very similar to the Colchicum cupanii that's in flower. My patch of C. corsicum has been in the ground for years and self-seeds moderately, so the patch is slowly spreading. Does anyone know what the technical distinction is between C. corsicum and C. cupanii? Google Images shows a mishmash of plants for both names, with no obvious, consistent anatomical differences. I have an idea that these small colchicum species may be completely mixed up with one another. -- Rodger Whitlock Victoria, British Columbia, Canada Z. 7-8, cool Mediterranean climate