I've found paypal to be pretty reliable, and it also saved me money when an overseas seller proved irresponsible. Fake checks and money orders are avoided, and the payment is instantaneous. Good luck with the personal checks. --Rr From:"Hansennursery (robin)" <robin@hansennursery.com> date:///Tue/, Sep 29, 2015 at 10:20 PM Subject:Re: [pbs] sending money in the mail Well, Rick, not all of us have had wonderful experiences with PayPal, and fortunately, even a number of UK folks accept personal checks drawn on US funds. I find that many small nurseries do not take credit cards or use PayPal and they are usually the ones who have the rare and unusual plants... Robin Hansen Nursery Southwest Coast of Oregon where fall is coming, at last >>>Why not just use a service such as paypal? Much less drama and risk....