PBS List discussions

Nhu Nguyen xerantheum@gmail.com
Mon, 16 Nov 2015 11:00:53 PST
Dear members of the PBS and the List,

Please allow me to reiterate the Purpose of the Pacific Bulb Society as
stated by our bylaws:

"The Pacific Bulb Society is organized exclusively for educational,
charitable, and scientific purposes. The Society shall work to share
information concerning the botanical and horticultural properties of bulbs
(bulbs, corms, tubers, and other geophytes). The Society shall provide
opportunities to facilitate communication among people interested in bulbs;
facilitate the exchange of geophyte plant material; and encourage
educational, scientific, and conservation opportunities of these plants."

We advocate for open communication so that we can determine issues that are
of interest to our members, which could then be passed on to lawmakers. It
is part of our education statement. As long as our discussion is within the
letter of the law (here in the US, it is not illegal to challenge a
philosophy of a law in discussion) it should not be stifled.

Nhu Nguyen
PBS President

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