Pamela Harlow wrote that she had home-grown seed of Lilium ledebourii (ex Archibald 633.950) - May I ask Pamela, through this list, since I do not have her email address, if she has any photographs of her parent plants she would be prepared to share with me. *I would be most interested to have such photos to add to the Archibald Archive in the Scottish Rock Garden Club website.* Indeed I would be glad to receive any photos from any PBS members of plants grown from Archibald seed to enrich the archive of the remarkable James Cartledge Archibald on Such photos may be emailed , complete withtheir JCA or JJA numbers, to Kind thanks, Margaret Young *Seeds of Lilium ledebourii for sale* Pamela Harlow (/Wed, 18 Nov 2015 10:09:53 PST/) I am sending home-grown seed of Lilium ledebourii (ex Archibald 633.950) to Dell, along with a few other items. All are from 2014; I don't have 2015 seed. Pamela Harlow Seattle