Scilla bifolia

James Waddick
Sun, 22 Mar 2015 20:12:13 PDT
Dear PBSers,

	I have been reading about Scilla bifolia. Years ago -maybe 10 or more - we bought some typical, white and pink flowered forms. When they first bloomed and only got to 2 inches we were a bit disappointed. Wikipedia says they are 4 to 8 in tall. Nothing close to that here. 

	Over the years they have romped around the garden showing up here and there in miniature beauty mostly where they were never planted. Not sure if squirrels move them , but more likely self spread seed. They don’t spread enough to be weedy and we do wish they were more aggressive, but we find these tiny spots of color- mostly blue remains - and enjoy them tremendously beyond their actual dimmesions might suggest.

	Hard to recommend a tiny 2 in cluster of tiny little flowers, but they are not expensive to start with and worth every penny. They have come through temps well below 0F for years and seems to thrive on neglect. Give these little bulbs a big hand?

		Gems		Jim W. 

James Waddick
8871 NW Brostrom Rd
Kansas City, MO 64152-2711
Phone     816-746-1949

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