A German capital company in Sichuan, China

Fierycloud fierycloud2002@yahoo.com.tw
Sun, 01 Mar 2015 19:18:51 PST

Though the regulation ask all company should be registered for export for plants and seed after 2007.12.01. But after 2012.08. , the lists is maintained by each branch of AQSIQ in each province. And I can't find the updated list of south-west provinces for a while, but Sichuan now. It integrated all the export companies which products derived from plant in a list. And most seed company seem only offer the food crop.

List of enterprise registered for exportation of plant-derived agricultural product in Sichuan (updated to August 2014)(In Chinese )
http://www.scciq.gov.cn/djcqymd/16632.htm (In Chinese)
http://scciq.gov.cn/u/cms/… (In Chinese)

There is a interesting company. And according to the name in chinese, it should the site which located in the capital city Chengdu, Sichuan.
The page below stated that "a German capital company in Sichuan, China"
 (Though there are Orchids, Arisaema, Cardiocrinum, lilium, Nomocharis and etc listed on the cataloge, but no details)


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