Massonia in BX 381

Monica Swartz
Sun, 12 Jul 2015 15:01:16 PDT
Hi All,
The Massonia are all the same age from 2012 seed. They have had two 
growing seasons so some will get their second leaf next fall. I have 
found that young plants usually don't start to get good leaf color 
and texture until their fourth year. They are worth the time 
investment. Even if you have never tried Massonia, you can't miss 
with the pustulata form in #3. It's robust for a Massonia and has 
beautiful purple streaks on the bumpy leaves. Even visitors without 
plant interests gush over this pustulata and take them home. I sent 
over 70 pustulata bulbs to the bx so there should be enough for 
everyone to try. I'll send the SX seed of the same so those members 
far away will get your chance too.

Since Massonia hate to dry out totally, I sent them in slightly damp 
sand with a bit of fungicide (Aluminum tris). So if they smell funny, 
that's why. It's the same systemic fungicide that's used on most 
non-organic fruit these days.
enjoy, monica

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