New blog about bulbs, bugs, other "plant stuff"

Sun, 25 Jan 2015 21:10:23 PST

I just recently started a blog. I used to use Facebook for this kind of thing, but I'm sick of the restrictive nature of FB, and the fact that you HAVE to have a FB account to see it.

The blog is about Anthecology (the study of the relationships between plants and pollinators), bulbs, gardening, and other "plant stuff". The bulk of it will be pictures, because I think I'm a better photographer than I am a writer. Please have a look!

Also, I am wondering if anyone can tell me the identity of the crocus pictured there. Anything else that I may have gotten wrong, please feel free to correct me!

Thank you!

-Travis Owen
Rogue River, OR
Where there is literally one single crocus blooming out of many hundreds of bulbs!

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